Friday , February 21 2025

Do You Have Gout? Getting Treatment and Preventing Future Flares is Crucial Learn How You Can Participate in a Clinical Trial

Have GoutGout is a painful arthritic condition. For individuals that have flares or gout, the pain can be debilitating. The joint may feel stiff, painful and have burning sensations. Even the smallest or slightest pressure on the joint can feel unbearable for the first few hours of the flare with lingering pain and discomfort that can last for days to weeks at a time.

Too much uric acid being built up, and then circulating as bodily waste in the blood stream causes gout. It creates tiny needle-shaped crystals that accumulate in the joints and cause excruciating painful swelling. Although gout can cause pain in many parts of the body, often, the first symptom of gout is usually pain and swelling of the toe joint. It’s common for those that suffer with gout to have a family history of the condition. Certain medical conditions can exacerbate gout such as obesity, high blood pressure or kidney disease.

Things that can trigger a flare-up of gout:
• Alcohol
• Stress
• Certain medications
• Food high in Purines (shellfish, organ meat, sugar, red meat)
• Illness
• Joint trauma
• Lead exposure

Symptoms of gout:
• Burning
• Tingling
• Joint stiffness
• Joint swelling and intense pain

There are many diets and medications that can help alleviate the painful side effects of gout; however, these usually help to clear bouts of gout temporarily. Gout will in usually due course, return and with ongoing flares of high uric acid and joint inflammation, the joint can eventually be damaged severely.

The goal of treatment is to provide meaningful relief from pain, reduce flares, protect the joint and treat underlying conditions.

Clinical trials help pave the way for new medical treatments.
In order for new treatments to become available, clinical trials play a critical role in this process. ForCare Medical Practice has their own Clinical Trials Department and offers trial opportunities to the local area for multiple conditions.

ForCare Clinical Research (FCR), an independent, multi-specialty clinical research facility, is located in Tampa, Florida. Since its inception in 2012, FCR has focused on providing access to novel treatment and therapies for both chronic and acute conditions. Our Investigators have over 40 years of combined research experience and a proven record of successful execution of Phase I through Phase IV industry-led trials. Our Investigators are board certified in dermatology, rheumatology, internal medicine, family practice, anatomic pathology, dermatopathology, neurology and internal medicine. ForCare Clinical Research routinely exceeds enrollment expectations, preserves subject retention, reduces trial timelines, and delivers reproducible, quality data.

ForCare Medical Practice in Tampa, FL
ForCare medical practice is dedicated to improving the health of Tampa, FL, and surrounding areas. With advanced treatment options and passionate providers. They have a comprehensive practice that includes, dermatology, rheumatology, primary care, and a clinical trials division.

To learn more about clinical trials, please call ForCare Clinical Research today at (813) 264-2155.

15416 North Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33613







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