Like most people, as a nation, we have come to believe that being vaccinated means that you will be immune to certain diseases and disorders; however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. This “falsehood” is heavily preached by the CDC and the direct to consumer marketing campaigns, which is paid for by the pharmaceutical companies and touted by the media (with their monetary gain being the primary motivator, of course).
What you won’t hear much about through the advertising and television communication organizations is the fact that the majority of individuals that have received immunizations, very often are the ones that are the sickest. From autoimmune disease, autism, neurological maladies, viral infections, contagions and various cancers, vaccinations do not mean that you are immune to syndromes and illness.
Certain communities have relatively rejected the vaccination phenomenon for decades and decided not to put their children at risk. For example, the Amish and Mennonite communities have mostly avoided immunizations. What are the results of this? Well, they have little to no incidences of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, allergies, autism, and cancers, to name a few.
Why are more and more people becoming apprehensive about vaccinations?
Certain byproducts are rampant in vaccines. Chemicals like mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, MSG, and petroleum, cause a plethora of adverse reactions like inflammations, chronic illness, cancer, neurodegenerative effects, and much more.
We are susceptible to chemicals and toxins on a daily basis through our food intake, personal care products, the environment, and water, but the significant difference between these and the injection of these chemicals through vaccinations is the way the body distributes the toxins. For instance, the stomach acts as a filter, which eliminates some of the dangers of mercury and other chemicals, but when it is injected, it’s immediately and potently distributed into the bloodstream.
What can you do if you’ve been vaccinated and are wary of toxic build-up complications?
Fortunately, there are advanced techniques to help you detoxify your body safely and efficiently while bolstering your immune system and repairing damaged cells. At ReNew Life Wellness, INC, we have several options to help you get rid of the chemicals and toxins like colon hydrotherapy, specific detoxes, whole life coaching and nutritional cell assessment/education.. With nutritional cell assessment/education, you learn about 42 anomalies like yeast (candida overgrowth), heavy toxins, digestive issues, inflammation markers, parasites, degenerative damage, & adrenal fatigue. ReNew Life Wellness Inc., can help you address these issues holistically. After the first visit, there is a follow up with an in-depth look at live blood cells to assess how the program is working for you and how the health of the body, has improved like iron deficiencies, yeast overgrowth, inflammation markers, uric acid build-up, toxins & carcinogen load plus more.
If you have any of these inflammatory markers or disorders, we will give you a step-by-step guide and guidelines to remove the toxins, and to regain healthy tissue.
At ReNew Life Wellness Center, we are committed to providing you with top-notch service, as well as information so you can make your own health choices. We understand that everyone is different and will customize a plan just for you. Contact us today at 813.871.3200.
Suzanne has been practicing massage and colon hydrotherapy in the Tampa Bay area for nearly 30 years. In the 1990’s, Suzanne and Brenda Watson, her mentor, founded ReNew Life Wellness based upon Health begins from the Colon.
Suzanne’s health challenges led her to colon hydrotherapy where it changed her life and career path. She discovered the importance gut health and its relationship to the rest of your overall health. If your colon is not functioning or clean, your heath will be compromised. After all, you are in living your body 24/7 and it’s the plumbing of your body.
Suzanne has a Masters degree in education and uses her knowledge and experience teaching colon therapy internationally and nationally. She has been a member of I-ACT and GPACT and a certified instructor. She has been teaching for 25 years. She served on the board of I-Act for 8 years.
Her experience is quite extensive. She works with holistic and traditional doctors. Suzanne was the first colon therapist in the gastroenterologist office, where she performed preps for colonoscopies and fecal transplants. She works with people of all ages.
Suzanne incorporates various modalities during her colon hydrotherapy sessions. Some of those modalities would include reflexology, acupressure, aromatherapy, the various types of massage therapy and much more.
Suzanne’s intention is to educate and empower her clients so that they can make intelligent decisions about their health. Suzanne recently studied with Dr. Darrell Wolfe and incorporates Wolfe Deep Tissue Technique.
ReNew Life Wellness
Change your THOUGHTS*Change your HEALTH*Change your LIFE!
813.871.3200 OR 813.948.1006
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