Monday , February 24 2025

Breast Cancer Changes Women’s Lives in Numerous Ways – What You Should to Know

By Parveen Vahora, M.D.

Early breast cancer diagnosis is what spares lives and offers survival and longevity. Physicians cannot stress the importance of getting regular mammograms as well as doing self-breast examinations enough. The breast cancer survival rates in the U.S. are 80-90% if caught in the first stages due to advanced care. However, the diagnosis in later stages drastically drops the survival rate to 24%. It’s essential to schedule your mammogram tests regularly, and if you feel a lump, please contact your physician immediately.

Advanced Diagnostics
Mammograms, breast ultrasounds and MRIs have helped diagnose breast cancer early and eliminate metastasizing cancer and deaths; however, not all breast cancer is detected with traditional mammography. Additional symptoms of breast cancer are lumps in the breast or underarm, pain, nipple discharge, or a physical change in the appearance of the breast or nipple. If you have any of those symptoms, your doctor will order you an advanced imaging test.

Early diagnosis saves lives, and it is critical for treating any cancer effectively. Regular screenings and women’s wellness exams are imperative, as are self-diagnoses. If you notice any changes, making an appointment with your physician is critical.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors
• Age
• Cancer Recurrence
• Overweight
• Hormone replacement therapy
• Alcohol consumption
• Environmental toxins
• Dense breast tissue
• Unhealthy lifestyle & diet
• Menstrual onset before 12 yrs.
• Menopause after 55 yrs.
• Family History (sister mother, daughter)
• Genetics (*BRCA1 and BRCA2)

High Risk and Hormonal Replacement Issues
In some cases, if you are positive for a BRCA mutation, your gynecologist and surgeon may recommend that you have a partial or full hysterectomy. These precautionary surgeries will reduce your risk of breast cancer by 50% and ovarian cancer by approximately 90%. However, this will cause your body to go into a menopausal state early.

Multiple studies suggest it’s not safe to receive any hormonal estrogen therapy if you have the BRCA gene. One school of thought is that it intensifies further cell mutations in breast cancer.

When you have early onset menopause caused by surgery, your symptoms, and risk factors are just as uncomfortable as if you were going through the change naturally. These symptoms can cause hot flashes, weight gain, and very painful intercourse. Whether you can’t take estrogen or choose not to, for women of all ages, it’s unfair to experience these distressing symptoms, especially sexual discomfort with your significant other.

Vulvovaginal Atrophy (VVA)
If you have had breast cancer and are in menopause naturally, or if you’ve had your ovaries removed due to cancer risks or had to take medications to treat your breast cancer or to prevent future breast cancer, you may experience vaginal dryness and or discomfort with intimacy. Usually, your doctor will not recommend any hormonal treatment. However, you may be a candidate for vaginal revitalization by the Mona Lisa touch ®.

MonaLisa Touch®
Now it’s possible to have relief from vulvovaginal atrophy due to the MonaLisa Touch’s® ability to gently improve the tissue of the vulvar and vaginal mucosa. No medications, no cutting, no lengthy healing times: This innovative laser therapy is for VVA. It’s quick, efficient, and can be safely performed in the comfort and privacy of Dr. Vahora’s office. With this treatment, women no longer have symptoms of dryness, pain, itching, or irritation.

Women can enjoy intimacy once again. The MonaLisa Touch® treatment also helps urinary symptoms such as incontinence and urgency.


Your Wellness Visit
Dr. Vahora can identify any concerns such as heavy bleeding pelvic pain, menopausal symptoms, low libido, and pain with intercourse. If you have a family history of cancer, genetic testing can be offered. These conditions can be further worked up, and custom-tailored procedures and treatment options can be addressed to meet your specific needs. We can also identify if you have vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) or pain with intercourse and talk about treatment options including to see if you are a candidate for the MonaLisa Touch® treatment.


Contact us today to schedule an appointment at or during office hours call (727) 376-1536 or text (813) 548 4412.

To find out more, please visit or email

Parveen Vahora, M.D.
Dr. Vahora specializes in pelvic pain and endometriosis and is passionate about educating fellow physicians and the community on these topics. She is fellowship trained in minimally invasive surgery. Another focus of hers is sexual health and she offers MonaLisa Touch® for patients who have issues from having children, going through menopause, as well as post-menopausal women, cancer survivors, and those suffering from pain during intercourse or intense dryness or incontinence or prolapse.

*BRCA mutations put you at a higher risk for ovarian cancer as well

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