Monday , July 22 2024


Finding Your Optimal Melatonin Dose

By Bo Martinsen, MD Melatonin is a molecule indispensable for life. Found in most plants and living organisms, melatonin contributes to a wide range of physiological functions as an antioxidant, hormone, and anti-inflammatory agent. In spite of its varied benefits, melatonin is still best known for its role in improving sleep …

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Cholesterol Numbers – Are Directly Affected By The Foods We Eat

March is National Nutrition Awareness Month.  The food we put into our bodies has a lot more to do with our overall health than most people are aware—including our cholesterol numbers.  Along with a good exercise routine and regular blood work, physicals, and medications, cholesterol levels can naturally be lowered with …

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Bring a Companion to Your Hearing Evaluation

By: Dana Luzon, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA Board-Certified Doctor of Audiology As an audiologist, it is my job not only to diagnose a hearing problem, but to also determine what the biggest everyday struggles are that each patient has. Hearing loss is often very gradual and difficult for a patient to …

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Ketamine for Pain Management

In the U.S. over 100 million people reportedly suffer from some form of chronic pain. Most people can relate to having experienced physical pain in their lifetimes, but to have to live with that pain on a daily basis can become intolerable Neuropathic pain syndromes are the root cause of …

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Lifestyle Choices Help Prevent Cancer

Diet, exercise and getting recommended screenings are some of the ways to lessen your risk of getting cancer. According to the National Institutes of Health, certain lifestyle choices can lessen the chances an individual has of developing cancer. However, even though most Americans know that choices such as quitting smoking, …

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Little-Known VA Pension Can Be a Life-Saver

Written By Thomas Gregory – U.S. Navy Veteran Established in 1952 under Title 38 of the United States Code, Congress created two types of benefits for war Veterans and their survivors within the Department of Veteran Affairs. The first is “compensation for service-related disability or death” and second, “a pension …

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Age-related Macular Degeneration A Common Cause of Vision Loss

February is Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) awareness month, and for good reason. AMD is one of the leading causes of serious and permanent vision loss in people ages 50 and older. As we age, oxidative stress can create cell-damaging free radicals that cause the macula, a tiny space near the center …

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Decreasing Your Cardiovascular Risks and lowering your Cholesterol

T.E. Vallabhan, MD, FACC February is heart awareness month, which reminds us to consider the fact that our heart health, risk factors and lifestyle are in our own hands. Since heart disease is still the leading cause of death in both men and women, what better way to understand and implement …

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When is a Valve Procedure Needed?

The Heart Institute at Leesburg Regional Medical Center has provided superior care for residents of Lake and Sumter Counties for 20 years. This includes comprehensive, individualized care for each patient and expert attention for cardiac or vascular conditions. Dr. Karen Thompson, a cardiothoracic surgeon with Leesburg Ocala Heart Institute and on …

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