Activate – Recover – Regenerate – Rebuild Shoulder Joint and Rotator Cuff
Mobility, flexibility, and strength are key ingredients for wellness and peak performance – whether you’re a competitive athlete or fitness and health advocate. Maintaining these requires knowledge, discipline, and the use of protocols that are becoming more widely known and adopted. Last month we discussed how professional grade CBD topicals enhance mobility, flexibility, and peak performance/strength. It accomplishes this by stimulating the endocannabinoid System (ECS) to promote homeostasis resolving inflammation, stimulating cell recovery, and accelerating healing naturally through improved delivery/restructuring of collagen. This enhances ACTIVATION, RECOVERY, REGENERATION, and REBUILDING of the skeletomuscular system improving mobility, flexibility, function, and pain relief. We recommend this as a part of your regimen whether sports/fitness or wellness/rehabilitation oriented.
CBD Healthcare Company is working with several nationally recognized experts and in the process of launching an education and training component to our website to assist our customers in achieving their health, wellness, and protocol objectives. This month we have chosen mobility, flexibility, and strengthening the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder.
Everyone should include rotator cuff exercises in their programs. The shoulder joint is the least stable joint in the body and needs to be strengthened for proper function. Training your rotator cuff has several benefits. Strengthening the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint creates more stability, enhances posture and will definitely make you look better and more sturdy.
When there is a weakness in the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder, movement patterns become altered, creating instability and often leading to injury. Performing these exercises will keep your shoulders strong and ready to perform for all of your activities.
A strong rotator cuff keeps the shoulder functioning properly, improving your golf swing, throwing a baseball, shooting a basketball or just reaching overhead during normal daily activities. A simple effective strengthening routine consists of six exercises that you can do at home, the gym, or the in the hotel room and require only a set of bands (see When doing these, try to follow the following regimen when possible:
. ACTIVATE with CBD Herbal Muscle Lotion Maximum Strength 15 minutes before starting.
. Elevate temperature of the muscles before conditioning with low intensity aerobic exercise (i.e. stationary bike, elliptical, jog/run, jumping jacks)
. Perform a 30 second pre-stretch to overcome nervous system safeguards.
. Slowly stretch to increase your range of motion (do not bounce when you stretch)
. Two sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise three times per week:
– External Rotation to the Side
– Internal Rotation at the Side
– Cross Body Pull
– Diagonal Pattern Body Pull
– External Rotation 90 deg.
– Internal Rotation 90 deg.
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Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. CBD Healthcare Company products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.