Friday , March 14 2025

Doctor Says You Can’t Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author

There seems to be confusion by many with the ability to reverse type 2 diabetes. Physicians and patients alike see the poor out-come when a patient tries to reverse their diabetes but never quite achieve it.

A realistic view of reversing diabetes is essential. I like to use the term, “reversing the effects of type 2 diabetes.” Think about those terms we use regarding cancer – “remission” and “cure.”

Merriam-Webster defines “cure” as to restore health, soundness, or normality; to bring about recovery from. Remission of an illness is defined as a stage during which symptoms are much less severe. The term “reverse” is to turn completely about in position or direction; effecting reverse movement.

If one can be in remission or cured from cancer, why not be able to reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes?

The human body is amazing. It has the innate ability to heal when properly treated and cared for. Our health is fluid. Yes, it changes. The better we maintain our health, the better we can ward off illness or lessen the effects.

Sometimes we get lost in life and no longer make our health a priority. To heal, it takes additional effort, time, and dedication to bring our body back to or toward optimal health.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease. This disease is usually a part of a cluster of health problems:
• High glucose
• High blood pressure
• Abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels
• Weight gain or loss

Consider your journey to reverse type 2 diabetes. Were you successful? Did you eliminate or avoid medication as you hoped?

Did you achieve success for the first several months only to find yourself back to where you started?

Was your doctor right?

What went wrong?

There are mistakes that diabetes patients can make. Dieting to reverse diabetes is a short-lived action. Why is that?

When we improve and see better results we tend to go back to our previous lifestyle or were unable to identify the steps needed to be successful. This is most likely why your physician does not buy into “reversing diabetes.” Many of their patients just can’t seem to do it.

It’s common for diabetes patients to look for a list of food or a diabetic diet to follow. Following someone else’s diet may not work for you. It’s important to note that your health is unique to you. Therefore, your healing process needs to be just for you.

Proper healing from diabetes should not be a food elimination process. Bringing in food that you enjoy, supports healthy glucose levels, and overall health is part of the roadmap to healing.

It’s necessary to get your body into a healing mode by implementing small healthy habits. This takes time and consistency. Getting to know how your body reacts to food, exercise, sleep, stress, and current medications will help you to achieve success.

One of the biggest challenges that a client shared, “Until now, there was no roadmap to help me put the pieces together.”

Ill-advised advice for someone who has not healed from diabetes by encouraging them to reward themselves with food which results in large glucose spikes. Giving your body the time to heal and reverse the effects of diabetes is a must to be successful. How long does it take? That answer is different for everyone.

Most everyone can see improvement in two months. It’s very exciting to see better glucose readings! Even after two months, there is work to be done.

Education and awareness has a place in reversing and healing from diabetes, and realize you are working on your overall health. Over time your glucose levels improve, weight loss begins and can be maintained, blood pressure, and your heart health can improve.

The inability to reverse the effects of diabetes is not an issue because it’s impossible. Finding success is in the customized roadmap set for you to successfully improve and achieve your health goals. Sometimes we just need a little help.

Take it from someone who did it. At my worst I had a 10% A1c and was prescribed diabetes medication and four daily insulin shots. My outcome was eliminating all medication and insulin and maintaining an A1c well below 5.7% for over a decade. I was consistently told it was impossible.

Book your complimentary consultation to learn about your roadmap to reversing type 2 diabetes.

National Diabetes & Holistic Lifestyle Coach – Speaker – Author

I was a diabetic who was angered being burdened with diabetes. I was tired of taking medications and four insulin shots per day that did NOT make me feel better. The food I was taught to eat as a diabetic was not bringing me to a state of optimal health. It was keeping me medicated and constantly visiting Walgreen’s, Diabetes Educators and the doctors.

I wanted my life to be different and the medical community told me it was highly unlikely. In fact, I was told the amount of medication and insulin would increase as I age. However, I learned that you could improve or eliminate disease with proper nutrition, not with unnecessary medication.

I feel better and stronger in my 50s, than I did in my 40s. I have more energy, reversed diabetes, eliminated inflammation that was leading me to heart disease, eliminated IBS and intestinal issues ~ no more stomach aches after meals, my seasonal allergies are gone and a slight skin issue on my elbow healed. I almost forgot, I lost weight in the process.

I know it sounds too good to be true that proper nutrition was able to heal me—I’m living proof. As a national coach, speaker and author, my mission is to help others to achieve optimal health through holistic lifestyle changes. Certified in holistic nutrition and homeopathy, I can bring awareness to diabetics to make lifestyle changes for a lifetime and reverse the effects of diabetes.

To find out more please, call 888-848-1763 or email Denise at


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