Friday , March 14 2025

Goodbye Wrinkles, Hello Dysport

Goodbye Wrinkles,  Hello DysportAre you tired of people asking you if you’re mad? Does your makeup settle into the lines across your forehead? Do you feel like your crow’s feet look more like pterodactyl feet? There is an easy solution for all of these problems…. it’s called Dysport and you are about to hear why you should run, not walk to Bella VisAge Medical & Aesthetic Rejuvenation for this amazing and inexpensive treatment!
For many years Botox has been the most recognized name in the beauty industry. Why? Because it is an amazing product that is very effective at relaxing the muscles of the upper face, giving men and women smooth skin. What is Dysport? Dysport is a competitor product with all of the perks of Botox, but a much smaller price tag. There are currently 4 neurotoxins that are FDA approved to treat the upper face: Botox, Xeomin, Jeuveau and Dysport, but today we will highlight Dysport.
What makes Dysport special?
Dysport was first approved in Europe for medical use in 1990 for spastic body muscle conditions. In 2009 the FDA approved Dysport for use in the glabella, the muscles between the eyebrows. Dysport is a unique product that is similar to Botox, but as many aesthetic injectors will tell you, it is much stronger and works faster.
How does it work?
In order to move, our muscles require communication from our nervous system. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is what tells our muscles, all of the muscles in our body, to move. Without acetylcholine, our muscles stay relaxed. Dysport acts by blocking the release of acetylcholine, thus wherever it is injected will stay relaxed. The result is temporary, like all neurotoxins, and lasts 3-4 months, at which time touchup injections will relax the muscles again.
How is it injected?
Our Nurse Practitioner Jeanna Parker will perform a customized assessment of each client and their specific needs. After the consultation, a consent is signed and pictures are taken to document each client’s baseline. The area to be treated is cleansed with alcohol and the Dysport is injected into the muscle with a very tiny insulin needle. Most people are nervous about the injections but realize that it’s not that bad at all. Jeanna will discuss the post-treatment instructions and a copy is also provided before leaving. A follow-up appointment is booked for 2 weeks later to assess the results and to take after photos. Every client loves their before and after photos, which are made at each follow-up appointment.
What areas on my face
can be treated?
The most popular areas of treatment are the forehead, the glabella (the muscle between the eyebrows) and crow’s feet. Other areas that can be treated are around the mouth to soften smokers’ lines and make the lips softer and larger. The frown lines and the chin can be treated as well and can give dramatic results to the lower face (see photo).
Are there side effects?
The primary effect of these injections is temporary muscle paralysis, so anywhere the product is injected will relax. Occasionally a condition called ‘eyebrow droop’ can occur if the forehead is injected too close to the eyebrow, but in the hands of a skilled injector this is very rare. There can also be post-treatment headaches, however many people with chronic headaches report relief when treated with Dysport. Other rare side effects might include: site reactions such as bruising or pain, flu-like symptoms, dizziness and drowsiness. For a full list of possible side effects please visit
Why come to Bella Viságe?
Bella Viságe Medical & Aesthetic Rejuvenation is a family-owned high-end medical spa, located in the heart of Downtown Lakeland. Mark & Jeanna Parker are passionate about creating the best experience for their clients. As a result, Bella Viságe is the highest-rated medical spa in Lakeland with 5-star ratings on Google, Facebook and Yelp. Jeanna is also a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specially trained in aesthetic medicine with over 19 years of experience in the intensive care unit. Call today for a free consultation or book online at
Bella Viságe
119 Traders Alley
Lakeland, FL 33801

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