Wednesday , February 26 2025

How are your new year’s resolutions going?

By Katie Keel, APRN-C

 new year's resolutions goingNow that January is behind us it’s time to ask – did you keep your New Year’s Resolutions? About 50% of adults in the US make New Year’s Resolutions but fewer than 10% actually keep them. If you were one of the 90% of those who don’t, it’s not too late to make a new one. One you can keep and reap the benefits for years to come. One you don’t have to wake up at 5am to get to the gym for or miss out on your favorite candy, chip, or baked good. Let’s pick one you can do in the comfort of your own bathroom and takes 2-3 minutes, the same amount of time you spend brushing your teeth. Let’s take care of our skin!

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” – George Burns

At MidState Skin we like to change that quote a little bit – You can’t help getting older but you don’t have to LOOK old. We will discuss with you how to fight looking older, tooth and nail, but first we need a bit of background to discuss the pathology behind lines, wrinkles, skin discoloration and aging.

Lines and wrinkles form from a combination of sun damage, gravity, smoking, genetics and muscle movement. Although some of these things we don’t have control over, the good news is many of these factors we do have control over.

First, sun damage – in case you haven’t heard, sunscreen is your friend. The key is finding one that is a physical or mineral sunscreen that contains active ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Apply it every morning even if it’s raining or you “aren’t going anywhere”. It is the little bit of sun exposure every day while driving in the car, walking to get the mail or into the store that accumulates and accelerates skin aging.

Gravity – darn you Sir Isaac Newton, can’t control this one, we will skip it.

Smoking – if you never have, never start, and if you currently smoke there are so many options to help quit. On average it takes seven times to successfully stop smoking.

Genetics – We all have that friend that uses only water to wash their face and Ponds Cold Cream to moisturize and doesn’t have a single spot, line, wrinkle, or acne bump. More likely than Ponds Cold Cream being a miracle, your friend probably is just blessed with that skin genetically.

Notice we saved the best for last – muscle movement. Despite great advertising and famous paid spokespeople there is nothing topically that will decrease the muscle movement beneath the skin which is driving the collagen loss and furrows and lines. We call these dynamic wrinkles. Each muscle contraction and facial movement causes the skin to bunch together forming lines between the bulk of the muscle. Dynamic lines include the “frown” lines between your eyebrows, “crows feet” on either side of your eyes, and horizontal forehead lines. Once you see fine lines forming the damage is being done. It is time to seriously think about a sprinkle of Botox. The longer you wait because you “aren’t old enough for Botox”, the harder and more expensive it is going to be to improve those lines.

Contrary to popular belief, well placed Botox will not make you look fake or frozen. In fact, well placed Botox will result in barely perceptible decrease in expressions and amazing relaxation of the dynamic lines of your face. Your friends and family won’t be asking if you got Botox, they will be asking you if you got your hair done or what makeup or moisturizer you are using. There is a high likelihood your friend that “only washes her face with water and uses Ponds Cold Cream to moisturize” is sitting in our Botox cosmetic chair as we speak.

But –Botox is too expensive – WRONG. You can achieve a full face refreshed, natural result from Botox for about 35 – 40 units which will last 3-4 months. For $25 a week, you can have less lines on your face, look more refreshed and radiant. Remember, the deeper the line, the more Botox will be needed; therefore increased cost if you decide to wait until you are “old enough”.

There is no magic age to start but remember, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Why is it no one bats an eye when you start eating healthier, exercising, reading more, drinking more water, highlighting your hair and getting a fun haircut, or getting a well-deserved pedicure but Botox and filler has to be such a taboo subject? Well it’s 2022 and it doesn’t have to be anymore!

There is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself and an investment in yourself pays the highest dividends.

MidState Skin Institute Services:

Medical Dermatology
The science of treating the skin, hair, and nails to relieve or cure skin disorders.

Surgical Dermatology
The practice of dermatology that specializes in surgical procedures & minimally invasive
techniques to treat skin cancer.

Cosmetic Dermatology
The practice of improving the look and health of one’s skin through medical or surgical
procedures, to help patients look and feel
their best.

Treatment for the skin, hair or body that is meant to enhance the appearance of patients through minimally invasive techniques
& personalized topical skin care recommendations.

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