Saturday , March 15 2025

Oxygen Therapy For Cancer: A Growing Debate

Oxygen Therapy For Cancer: A Growing DebateOxygen is the critical element of every cell in our body. Our bodies take in oxygen, and our bloodstream begins to flood our tissues and organs with oxygen-rich blood. Cancer cells thrive on what is known as hypoxia. When cancer cells have hypoxia and are depleted of oxygen, they resist treatment. Hypoxic cancer cells begin to convert glucose into a fermentation process to supply themselves with lactic acid for their survival and their ability to grow. So, a common debate has been studied, researched, and argued for decades on whether or not oxygen helps cancer cells grow, or kills them off.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that delivers 100% oxygen to a patient’s pulmonary system while they are within a pressurized chamber. This saturation of oxygen allows high-levels of life-sustaining oxygen to be delivered to the tissues and organs. This increase of the partial pressure of oxygen at the cellular level accelerates the healing processes and assists in the recovery from numerous indications.

A mid-century German Doctor named Otto Warburg discovered that you could eliminate or reduce the fermentation process of the cancer cells by flooding them with oxygen. Many researchers have since reconfirmed this logical notion by conducting studies using hyperbaric oxygen therapy on cancer patients.

In 2012 an extensive study called Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Cancer—a Review, by Norwegian researchers, Moen and Stuhr reviewed eight years of HBOT and hypoxia cancer cell therapy. They concluded that HBOT did not increase the risk of cancer growth or recurrence, but instead they determined that there was an indication that HBOT might have tumor-inhibitory effects in specific cancer subtypes. They stated that they firmly believe there is a need to expand our knowledge of the impact and the mechanisms behind tumor oxygenation.

Many patients have tried HBOT for various disorders and disease states, and the majority of them will give glowing reviews for disease reversal and regression. There are no guarantees and off-label use is at the person’s personal discretion. Individuals wanting to explore HBOT have the right to do so, although results are always based on a patient’s overall health, physical condition, and other medical factors.

Hyperbaric Centers of Florida is a premier hyperbaric treatment facility located in the Tampa Bay area. Their state-of-the-art hyperbaric clinic provides therapy to outpatients on a 7-day per week basis, closing only on major holidays.

Currently, There Are 15 FDA Approved HBOT Conditions:
• Air or Gas Embolism
• Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
• Compromised Skin Grafts or Flaps
• Crush Injury, Compartment Syndrome
• Decompression Sickness (Bends)
• Diabetic & Other Non-healing Wounds
• Enhancement of Healing in Selected Problem

• Exceptional Anemia: Resulting of Bleeding
• Gas Gangrene
• Intracranial Abscess
• Osteomyelitis
• Radiation Injury
• Refractory Osteomyelitis
• Thermal Burns
• Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

HBOT is used “off-label” for various disease states and disorders and HBOT may be ordered by a physician for off-label indications. Hyperbaric Centers of Florida makes no claims as to the efficacy for any indications other than the fifteen approved by FDA.

Common Off-Label Indications:
• Autism
• Brain Injury
• Bells Palsy
• Cerebral Palsy
• Cosmetic Surgery
• Infections
• Inflammations
• Lyme Disease
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Nerve Injuries
• Oral Disease
• Peripheral Neuropathy
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Scleroderma
• Shingles
• Severe Migraines
• Sports Injury
• Stroke
• Tendon Injuries
• Ulcerative Colitis
• Venomous snake and spider bites

To find out more, or to schedule your appointment today, please call Hyperbaric Centers of Florida at 813-788-3969.

Hyperbaric Centers of Florida

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