The All-New Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay is designed to Improve Near Vision So You Can
Once Again See Fine Print, Menus and Your Phone Without the Hassle of Reading Glasses
If you’re at the age where you need reading glasses to see your phone or read a newspaper, menu, or computer screen, Lake Eye has a better option: The new Raindrop procedure.
The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay is a safe way to treat age related near vision loss, or presbyopia. Presbyopia is a condition that causes your eye to lose the ability to change focus from distant to near objects. It is a natural part of aging that most people begin to experience after age 40.
Raindrop is the world’s first inlay to change the shape of the cornea (the clear, front part of the eye) to improve near vision. Raindrop is incredibly small – about the size of a pinhead and less than half the thickness of a human hair – and is bioengineered to mimic the natural cornea. The outpatient procedure takes about 10-minutes and patients go back to most of their daily activities the next day.
In the FDA clinical study, within one week after the procedure patients on average gained 5 lines of near vision on an eye chart without the need for reading glasses. Their vision continued to improve over the next several weeks and months.
“We’ve been following this remarkable Raindrop technology for some time, and I think it is a very effective solution designed for people who want to reduce or eliminate their reading glasses,” said Scott Wehrly, MD, the first surgeon in the tri-county area to perform the Raindrop.
“If you’re frustrated with the inability to see close-up, there’s nothing to lose except your reading glasses.”
Raindrop Near Vision Inlay benefits
Raindrop is made of a soft, biocompatible material similar to a soft contact lens, which has similar properties and water content as the cornea. It gently changes the shape of the clear front part of the eye, the cornea. It improves near vision while slightly affecting distance vision in the treated eye.
Raindrop is:
• Transparent, so no one will realize there is a Raindrop in your eye
• Well suited for dim light situations as 99.7% of the light passes through the Raindrop and reaches the back of the eye where the image is processed
• Approximately 80 percent water, Raindrop resembles a tiny water droplet
• Bioengineered to facilitate the transport of nutrients and fluid to the eye
• Incredibly small – less than half the thickness of a human hair and about the size of a pinhead.
“We’re finding that our patients are active people, and they don’t want to constantly reach for – or look for – their reading glasses,” said Scott Wehrly, MD. “Raindrop is a great answer. We urge everybody over the age of 40 to call our office and ask us about their options to improve near vision with the Raindrop.”
The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay has received approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June of 2016, and has been available around the world for several years prior to approval in the US.
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