Saturday , March 15 2025

Researching “The Best of Both Worlds”

balanceElectro medicine, Herbs, Ozone, diet were part of daily life in 2014. I first heard about Doctor Raymond Royal Rife’s scientific work during a conversation with a health coach. He mentioned to me that I should get a device that broadcasts radio frequencies to kill pathogens. The scientific device named the Beam Ray machine was invented by a gifted scientist Raymond Rife, born in 1888 who studied bacteriology at John Hopkins University. Doctor Rife began his experiments using electronic frequencies on viruses and bacteria in 1920. The doctor used powerful microscope to see microbes invisible at the time. He claimed that each microbe has its resonance frequency. With Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency, which marked the microbe at an intense level. Doctor Rife claimed that after flooding, the microbes would either explode or shrivel up and die. Hence, I decided that it is worth finding a similar device. I went ahead to search for more information, a quest that led me to meet Dr. RL. Dr. RL’s herbal products and knowledge have been priceless and contributed significantly to understanding my husband’s recovery journey. When it comes to electricity, frequencies, HZ Etc., Dr. RL is highly knowledgeable helping me through the years and still helps me whenever I need his help, prayers and support. I have since learned other modalities using frequencies even remotely. Despite it being challenging, we took every event that happened in our lives as a lesson, example, and opportunity to explore different ways of thinking and seeing life. Everyone we met was very special to us as they offered their support and brought the knowledge to our lives. Proteolytic, digestive, and pancreatic enzymes were the core of the entire treatment; for they function to digest and break down proteins into amino acid components. These components are essential for the body’s immune system. Cancer patients usually need help with their food digestion. Dr, K took it upon him to teach and help me follow Dr. Gonzalez’s treatment, which he initially learned from Dr. Kelly. He taught me everything I needed to know about metabolism and rebuild the body through nutrition and detoxification. Dr. K is a mentor and a teacher who helps people like me to get through with knowledge, and thanks to him, I was able to meet and understand enzymes which are one of the most magnificent substances I know. The Journey was full of hope, emotions, and expectations. Cancer is always something that brings fear to our lives because it leaves us without knowing how much time we have. With no clear-cut cure, we are only left to hope that the trials we understand all along the way will work. Sometimes I felt as if I was in dark tunnels holding on to the hope to see the light with faith as my pillar and desire to see my husband recover. Every day my husband was feeling better, with more energy and strength.

Boston, Massachusetts, was our next stop in our healing journey, a beautiful city full of life. I love life in the city, the trolleys, shopping, the people and long walks exploring the streets. We had gone to see one of the world’s most famous Oncologists at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. We wanted to hear his thoughts on treatments available for Multiple Myeloma.

We were referred to Dana Farber by our local Physician as the institute is home to most of the best doctors.

I remember getting to the hospital; my heart filled with high expectations. The first impression was a homely place as the staff members were friendly, supportive, and exceptional, which was all we could ask for. I was granted the chance to see a nutritionist for cancer. I wanted to be advised on how I would safely use a combination of herbal products and chemotherapy. Dr. Richardson was so friendly and compassionate to us. He explained the protocol they do, and he mentioned that a transplant was going to be the route, but we had to see when would be the best time for it because it was just a matter of time. However, I felt that if a transplant were to happen, it would be at God’s time. The visit had gone well, and we went to the cafeteria to find out something for my husband, but I was shocked to find only the regular meals. Being a cancer center, I expected the cafeteria to have healthier meals. He only had a salad, after which we went to whole foods to buy all kinds of greens, flaxseed oil, coconut water, and many others that I would make his juices. I used to travel with my blender to make him his vegetable juices any time of the day. While researching in my room, I had come across stories of people healing through alternative and conventional treatments. Since I love everything natural, I decided to contact them directly and ask them how they would treat blood cancer. I was aware that everyone had a different modality and different way of thinking regarding cancer. Through every doctor or patient that I spoke to I have learned so much that I could understand both worlds with the aim to heal and better.
Office 561-906-2902
Cell 561-307-7025

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