Saturday , March 15 2025

Select Laboratory is an Affordable Personalized Health Program focused on Disease Prevention

Select LaboratoryWith up to 88% of the population metabolically unhealthy and most completely unaware of any underlying conditions, it is critical to provide affordable access to personalized health information, education, and support to identify early risks for disease prevention and routine monitoring of critical biomarkers for improved management and potential reversal of existing conditions.

These metabolic illnesses contribute to a significant amount of personal suffering and are the main drivers of an unsustainable burden on our health care system. Despite efforts to curtail the situation, our current health care models are failing. Select Laboratories is dedicated to changing that.

We’ve all wondered why some people age “gracefully” and live longer, healthier lives, while others show signs of premature aging or are possibly stricken with a chronic disease at an early age. Evidence supports that many “age related” chronic diseases (arthritis, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and some cancers) are initiated many years before symptoms arise or can be detected through traditional blood tests. Low-grade, chronic inflammation leading to “age related” disease and physiological aging is InflammAging.

Research suggests that the root cause of InflammAging is associated with two critical biological events: a decline in mitrochondia function and the activation of our innate immune system. Mitochondria are the “engines” of our cells and are responsible for converting the food we eat into the energy we need to live. A decline in mitochondiral function and energy production is connected to the normal aging procdess and the development of a variety of diseases commonly assiciated with aging.

Much like a car’s engine, our mitrochondrial “engines” require proper maintance and care to provide optimum performance. Our lifestyle plays a critical role in the health of our mitochondira. Low physical activity, poor diets, tobacco use, excessive alcohol intake, mental stress, and exposure to noxious substances in our environment directly damage mitochondrial function.

When mitochondria are damaged and their function declines, they release “danger signals” that tell our body’s immune system to produce natural, inflammatory molecules. Continuous mitochondrial damage results in the perpetual release of these inflammatory molecules resulting in low-grade, chronic inflammation, pre-mature physiological aging and an increased risk of developing “age related” diseases. The good news is that mitocondrial damage can be slowed and reversed through improved lifestyle, proper nutrition, and high quality supplements.

Select Laboratories offers an exclusive InflammAging panel that tests for inflammation status-oxidative stress status-m,itochondrial protective nurtients-mitochondiral energy efficiency. Our team of professionals will guide you through your test results and assist you in your next steps to aging well.

There is an alarming progression of chronic diesase in the United States. Only one in eight adults can be defined as metabolically healthy and most are unaware of their status leading to more than three out of every five people progressing to at least one chronic condition. Add to this equation more than trewnty-five percent of all adults do not have a primary care physician. This translates to year-over-year increasing cost burdens shared by employeers and employees. The largest percentage of increasing costs are led by escalating ER and Urgent Care visits, hospitalizations, eventual specialist referrals, pharmaceuticals, and lost productivity. As much as seventy-three percent of healthcare spending each year is devoted to preventable metabolic chronic diseases.

Select Laboratories addresses the full spectrum of potential and progressive chronic conditions utilizing accepted, evidenced-based, behavioral change models (Integrative Wellness Coaching) and state-of-the-art technologies powered by strategic healthcare data analysis and driven by advanced, predictive chronic disease diagnostics to improve how individuals navigate their healthcare ecosystems toward proactive health management, chronic disease prevention, improved health outcomes, and more efficient spending behaviors.

Select Laboratory is a full-service regional laboratory serving communities in and around Marion, Sumter, and Lake Counties.

Select Laboratory
13753N Hwy 441, Lady Lake, 32159
352-561-8677 or 352-389-8088

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