By Craig Curtis, M.D.
Is your memory not what it used to be?
Are you experiencing or having trouble with:
Short term memory
Too many “Senior Moments”
Friends or family concerned about your memory problems?
It’s possible that your memory problems are simply a sign of aging as we all have some normal memory loss with age. But please do NOT ignore these “senior moments” as they could be a warning sign of something much more serious. Alzheimer’s Disease currently effects 6.5 million Americans and over 10% of people 65 and older.
If you feel your memory is not what it used to be or seems to be getting worse, then you should know about recent advancements in the field of memory loss (and Alzheimer’s Disease). Since Dr. Alois Alzheimer first published his important paper in 1907 describing the hallmark brain changes in Alzheimer’s Disease, scientists all over the world have been searching for a treatment. Recently the United States FDA approved the world’s first medication to successfully slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. For the first time ever, a treatment now exists to slow the course of this devastating disease.
The search for a treatment began in 1901 when a patient named Mrs. Aguste Deter was admitted under the care of a brilliant young 37-year-old physician named Alois Alzheimer. Upon her passing, Dr. Alzheimer found abnormal clumps of “plaque” in her brain and theorized that this substance could be the cause of Mrs. Deter’s memory problems. A few years later, in 1910, fellow scientists named the disease after the inquisitive Bavarian physician.
Then, in 1984, scientists finally isolated the “plaque” substance initially described by Dr. Alzheimer some 80 years earlier and named it Amyloid. They proposed that Amyloid becomes “sticky”, accumulating in the brain leading to brain cell loss, memory problems and symptoms of dementia. Doctors and scientists all over the world then began the hunt for a treatment that would decrease Amyloid in the brain.
Recent research has finally led to a class of medications that successfully remove brain Amyloid and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Two such medications have recently been FDA approved – however, there is still much to be done to unravel this disease!
Diagnosing this disease as early as possible could help preserve precious memories. According to a recent report from the Alzheimer’s Association, most patients want a diagnosis, but sadly only 33% of patients receive one – leaving many caregivers and families in the dark while losing precious time to seek treatment that could possibly slow it’s progression. Thankfully, there are multiple FDA approved scans that accurately detect brain Amyloid assisting in a rapid diagnosis. Dr. Curtis uses these regularly in the clinic and his research using these scans has been published in international Neurology journals.
No. But Alzheimer’s is the #1 cause of Dementia in about 80% of cases. There are many causes of memory impairment so a proper evaluation is critical as some causes of memory loss can be diagnosed, treated, and reversed. Two recent high-profile cases of non-Alzheimer’s dementia have been in the news: the actor Bruce Willis was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia/Aphasia and the comedian/actor Robin Williams was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia.
My career has been spent studying prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease – and research shows it might be possible with certain diets (Mediterranean) that I will discuss in a future article! So, stay tuned!
If you, a friend, or a loved one are experiencing memory loss, currently taking a medication such as Donepezil or Memantine, or just interested in learning more, please contact Dr. Curtis at (352) 500-5252 or visit to learn more and schedule a free in-office memory evaluation. There is no cost for the memory evaluation.
Please do not delay.
Dr. Craig Curtis, MD, is a national expert on Alzheimer’s Disease with 25 years spent researching treatments and brain health. He focuses on prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease and his research has been published in leading national and international medical journals including the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Neurology. Dr. Curtis is particularly interested in the underlying biology and prevention of memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease – and pursuing the science that one day will lead to an effective treatment.
To learn more about Dr. Curtis please visit his website:
1400 North US Hwy 441
Sharon L Morse Medical Office Building 500
The Villages, FL 32159