Friday , March 7 2025

Summer Safety – ROC Out Your Summer!

Submitted By Reconstructive Orthopaedics of Central Florida

Summer SafetyThe health care providers at Reconstructive Orthopaedics of Central Florida see patients with elective surgery choices (knee and hip replacements, shoulder repairs, carpal tunnel, trigger fingers, and more) as well as injections for assistance with pain management (ranging from Corticosteroids to DepoMedrol to viscosupplementation and hyaluronic acid). Part of our practice also involves providing emergency coverage for the local hospitals (Advent, Ocala Regional Medical Center, and West Marion Community Hospital) and the cases we see there are the ones you would expect considering the equestrian community here in Marion County and the fact that I-75 runs through our back yard. Certainly, summer brings out even more season-specific injuries – we’d like to help our patients avoid some of the most common injuries.

Fireworks are gorgeous to watch. History says the first fireworks were set off in 1777 in both Pennsylvania and Boston to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It’s not an overstatement to say that Boston still puts on one of the best shows every year. Here in Florida, we have lakes, beaches, fields, and backyards that just cry out to revelers everywhere as the next best place to set off fireworks, but we must caution you that fireworks can be very dangerous. Make sure that only folks trained in using fireworks operate them on your property. We have seen fingers lost, wrists damaged, and other various injuries. The expense of lost work, insurance copays, and sometimes even basic day to day functionality are risks people don’t necessarily think about. Nothing ruins a good holiday celebration like frantically driving to the hospital (or calling the ambulance) and then spending hours in the Emergency Room.

The warmer months also show an increase in the use of ATVs. Wearing a helmet is helpful, but the injuries sustained in ATV accidents are often more encompassing than a helmet can prevent. Make sure you think about the peripheral risks – are there children and young adults in the area where people are riding? Pets wandering where people are congregating? Be mindful of the ‘pedestrians’ in your group- we have seen patients suffer a shattered pelvis, a broken leg or two, broken arms, and even broken clavicles from being hit by a friend or family member’s ATV at a gathering. We’ve also seen patients thrown from ATVs leaving them with broken necks, backs, arms, legs, and more. These vehicles may be fun, but they can be life altering if you are not careful.

Swimming in local rivers, lakes, and quarries is also a highpoint of summer activity but there are dangers there as well. Never dive in an area that you cannot verify bottom depth and confirm there are no jeopardies for the diver. Just because an area was clear last week doesn’t guarantee its safety any other time. Diving headfirst into a fallen tree or a large limestone rock can cause broken bones or possible paralysis from the injuries sustained. Even jumping from a diving board or a boat can be dangerous if you don’t check your surroundings – is there another boat nearby? Are there people swimming beneath where you are trying to dive? A few seconds of safety can protect you and your loved ones from days, weeks, or even a lifetime of discomfort and rehabilitation.

The providers and staff at Reconstructive Orthopaedics of Central Florida are happy to offer elective services including the CORI robotic knee replacement as well as in-office injections for osteoarthritis pain in major joints. We are honored to be part of the teams that take care of our community through our service at the local hospitals, but we would rather not meet you as a patient in need of an emergent care through one of the Emergency Rooms.

Be alert, enjoy your summer, and stay safe!

Contact Reconstructive Orthopedics of Central Florida Today at (352) 456-0220.

1500 Southeast Magnolia Extension, Suite 104
Ocala, Florida 34471


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