Friday , March 14 2025

The Latest technology in Laser Hair Removal

The Latest technology in Laser Hair RemovalSince 1995 the aesthetics’ industry has been using lasers for the removal of unwanted body hair. The process of laser hair removal continues to improve. The latest technology was released a few months ago and it’s a game changer. Meet the Splendor X by Lumenis.
As you might know, laser hair removal can be painful, messy, and ineffective. The Splendor X can use both the Alexandrite 755nm and the Nd:YAG 1064 wavelengths at the same time. While some companies have
2 wavelengths on their device, it is either one or the other, and not a synchronized output. The benefit of the blended laser technology is that we can effectively treat a wide range of skin types and color from very fair like Nicole Kidman to very dark like Wesley Snipes.
Square Footprint: The pulse from the laser is uniquely square. This overcomes the uneven treatments which are inherent in the typical circular pattern. With the circular footprints there will be potential for skipped areas and/or over-treated areas from overlapping pulses.
Double Cooling System: The Splendor X uses both integrated Zimmer Air Chilling as well as a chilled tip to doubly ensure a safe treatment. By chilling the skin surface, the laser will preferentially heat into the deeper dermis where the hair follicles are and is less likely to be attracted to skin pigment. This means that there is reduced risk of burning or post-treatment inflammatory hyper or hypo pigmentation.
Highest Speed: Improved speed is another of the major attributes of the Splendor X. With the Splendor X, we can now treat large areas, such as an entire back, in about 6 minutes with increased safety.
High Power: There is higher power than most lasers with the Splendor X – 75% more – 7 Kw vs 4 Kw. Higher power equates to more efficient treatments, more results, less sessions needed.
The SPLENDOR X is the next generation in hair removal and truly expands our offering in this category,” said Tzipi Ozer-Armon, CEO of Lumenis. “As with all our products, and this one specifically, we look not only to build technology, but also to create, design and inspire confidence for our customers.” 1
Bella Viságe Medical Rejuvenation is a Lumenis Center of Excellence and offers over 42 laser based services on several different laser platforms. We caught up with owner Jeanna Parker, who is also a Nurse Practitioner. She explained why it is essential to provide this technology for her clients.
“One of the reasons that we decided to add hair removal as a service is that our clients are asking us to perform this service for them. There is competition in the market; however, we provide a very unique experience at Bella Viságe, and this is another way to improve that experience. The Splendor X is a revolutionary hair removal laser. The technology is new and will provide better, safer, more effective hair removal. The Splendor X leaps to the front of the line with its innovative blended wavelengths, square footprint, and lightening speed. Patients can be confident they are receiving a highly effective, comfortable, and quick hair removal treatment.“It is exciting for us because I understand the technology behind it and how it will benefit the client who is seeking hair removal. We are the first medical spa in Florida to purchase this new technology so, we are very thrilled to add this service.”
“First and most importantly is the square spot treatment, both in shape and in size.
The square technology allows for optimal coverage of the treatment area and is also the largest spot size in the industry. This allows for a much faster, more accurate treatment and we can customize the treatment for each client. The Splendor X can also treat vascular and pigmented lesions as well as rejuvenate skin with no downtime”.
“Another benefit of this laser is that it truly is dual laser technology. There is no other hair removal laser that exists that combines two lasers firing in one pulse at the same time. This means that any skin shade, from fair to very dark can safely be treated.
“Lastly, and possibly more important to the client, is the fact that this laser does not hurt. In the past, laser hair removal has been very painful; this laser has changed the game in that the client can remain comfortable during this quick procedure.”
Bella Viságe offers high-end medical rejuvenation services, world-class aesthetics, and luxurious massages in a unique, historic spa in downtown Lakeland. They put great thought and planning into every detail of the spa from the décor, technology, products and the types of services offered. Bella Viságe is owned by Mark & Jeanna Parker and is in its 4th year of operation in downtown Lakeland.
Bella Visságe
119 Traders Alley
Lakeland, FL 33801
1 Aesthetics, “Lumenis Introduces New Laser Hair Removal Solution, SPLENDOR X,
at the 2018 American Society of Dermatological Surgery (ASDS)”, 2018,

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