Saturday , March 15 2025

The Public Workshop Series: Exclusive Opportunities To Explore One-Self In Relation To Others

Dr. David Grabau, Psychologist
Dr. Grabau explains, “I think of my work as a way of helping patients make friends with themselves. I believe that we torture ourselves by holding onto memories that are painful. We play endless ‘tape recordings’ in our minds that create anxiety, depression or compulsive behaviors.
We repeat destructive patterns in our relationships, which lead to isolation, shame, regret, and guilt. Our choices in life become narrow and limited. Keeping unpleasant feelings at bay becomes our priority thus sapping us of energy. With the release of that energy, prosperity can develop in all areas of life. A future begins to take shape, which could include intimacy, stability, and even financial prosperity.
I specialize in treating depression, anxiety disorders, behavioral excesses and deficiencies, relationship problems, and chronic emotional disorders; loss, grief, and trauma; mood disorders.
I offer consultation to families and adult children with aging parents as well as young adolescents, late adolescents, adults, couples, and seniors. I work in the realm of language and thus help people examine what they think and how they feel before they act. I help patients to examine their fear of sharing personal information; once they remove their resistance to talking they move forward.
By keeping ideas in the verbal realm, impulsiveness can be reduced and may be prevented; a careful examination of impulses can reveal significant emotional underpinnings. My 35 years of experience has enriched my clinical skills significantly.
I have worked with people as young as three to as old as 107. I encourage people to tell their story by sharing thoughts and feelings they have held onto all of their lives. Sometimes what is shared has never been told to anyone before.”
Dr. Grabau Therapy is offering a unique workshop series designed as opportunities to explore one-self in relation to others as self-help courses. These courses are open for enrollment, and each class consists of five sessions.
Relationship Series
• Avoiding Unsuccessful Relationships and Situations: Groundhog Day Revisited
Have better outcomes. This class explores a frequently encountered phenomena, the Repetition Compulsion, our tendency of hoping to find the right person, the right job, the right situation only to find ourselves in an all too familiar situation. TBA
• When We Love Someone Who Really Isn’t There: Relationships that never stop taking
Stop feeling bewildered and confused by broken promises, unfulfilled dreams, and disappointment. Come and explore what a narcissistic relationship is about. TBA
• Helping Pre-Teens become Teens: For elementary, middle school, and high school parents
Learn how to teach your child through explanation, modeling, questioning, and encouragement. What are children needing from their family, parents and environment? February 16th, 10 to noon.
Research, Development and Treatment Series
• Loving Someone Who Has Alzheimer’s or a Dementia related disorder
For adult children of aging parents, and seniors regarding what dementia is, current trends in treatment and research of various dementias. Can it be prevented or slowed down? How can we deal with and help our aging parents? February 2nd, 10 am to noon.
• Management and Treatment of Emotional Disorders Using Psychiatric Medications
A review of the most frequently used psychiatric medications including effects, side effects, interactions effects, and potential for addiction. February 9th, 10 to noon.
Development Series
• Tranquility Meditation and Stress Related Illness
Experiencing and learning deep relaxation techniques and meditation as methods to help stabilize and improve physiological and psychological health. January 19th, 2018, from 1 pm to 4 pm.
• Music and Your Mind I, Guided Imagery and Music II, Reducing Anxiety with Imagery III
Learn to experience music in a new way, free of tension and deeply relaxed. Classical selections that can take you great distances. TBA
• Lifestyle Weight loss
Learning and sharing how to lose weight while not starving. Reviews various popular diets and provides healthy food solutions. Two classes one week apart. January 5th and January 12th, 2019, from 10 am to noon.
• Working with Dreams
Find out what dreams are, and what they may mean. Share one of your dreams and possibly deepen your understanding. Sometimes art, sometimes enactment, always fascinating and revealing. TBA
Society and Culture Series
• The Importance of Belonging and the Experience of Being Different TBA
• Social Media, Is It Disaster in Disguise? TBA
All classes are onetime events except for Life Style Weight Loss which meets for two consecutive weeks. Dates and times to be announced. Please inquire with Dr. Grabau if you have any questions. or 813-728-5449
Optimal Performance Group
14802 North Dale Mabry Highway, Ste. 304
Tampa, Florida
Optimal Performance Group, Inc. (OPG) was incorporated in 1996 for providing mental health services and educational experiences for the prosperity of all individuals. Its President and owner Dr. Grabau offers services across the life cycle to individuals, couples, families, and groups. Dr. Grabau is a clinical psychologist licensed in the State of Florida, PY4386. He is a graduate of the William James College and Harvard Graduate School of Education.

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