Friday , March 14 2025

Weight Loss and Physical Therapy

Weight LossHere we are in a brand-new year and many of us are thinking about the goals we want to set as we start 2023. The majority of New Year’s resolution made by Americans revolve around health and weight loss. Sadly, less than half of those who make such resolutions will keep them even a full month! This is often because we set goals that are unrealistic and unsustainable. That’s why many of us make the same resolutions year after year, never really attaining our goals.

Everyone’s journey with losing weight is different, but increasing your physical activity is a great starting point. Some people exercise alone, some take workout classes, and others enlist the help of a physical therapist. Weight plays a big role in a person’s overall well-being. Physical therapists can work with you on your journey to lose weight, so be sure to communicate your goals to your PT so the both of you can work together.

How Physical Therapists Aid in Weight Loss
Physical therapists are experts in movement, mobility, and exercise. They know exactly what you need to do to get your heart rate up, burn fat, and build muscle. When it comes to weight loss, their goal is to get their clients on the right track so that they can continue to exercise effectively once the therapy has ended.

When you work with a physical therapist, they’ll create an individualized activity plan for you. Everything in your plan will be adjusted to your goals and your current abilities. While online resources and workout classes at the gym can be great ways to get inspired and start exercising, not all of the movements may be right for you at this time. Physical therapy is specific to you, so you may see better results with this treatment than you would if you start exercising on your own.

Physical therapists understand the health issues and other obstacles that may get in your way, too. Being overweight or obese puts you at risk of developing a number of other health conditions, which may make it harder to exercise safely and comfortably. Because physical therapists are so knowledgeable about these concerns, they can help you find the forms of exercise that are effective without putting you at risk.

Weight Loss Decreases Body Pains
Our bodies are amazing machines that can do so much, but only when we challenge it and keep it shape. Like anything else, if you neglect it, it can fall into disrepair. In this case, your body will start to react differently depending on how much weight you gain and there might be limitations to what can be done.

Some common issues that those overweight might experience include:
• Decreased movement and flexibility
• Decreased endurance for daily activities
• Shortness of breath
• Loss of strength resulting in fatigue
• Hip, knee, ankle, or general joint pain
• Foot pains

Changing your diet is the first thing you need to do, but often pushing back from the table just isn’t enough. The other part of weight loss is an exercise plan. Movement is important. Your body will thank you for it, and you’ll feel better about it too.

For both children and adults who are overweight, physical therapy can help restore flexibility, increase strength and cardiovascular endurance, reduce pain, and get at any posture and balance issues. You PT will also work to prevent any disabilities caused by excess weight from settling in.

There are many wonderful uses and benefits of physical therapy, some that people aren’t even aware of.

Innovative Therapies Group offers massage, physical, occupational and speech therapy. They embrace alternative and eastern medicine philosophies and will help you explore new inventive ways to combat your pain or disorders.

Types of Treatment Available with Physical Therapy
• Assessment and Evaluation Programs
• Difficulty Walking
• Fall Prevention and Balance Retraining
• Fitness and Wellness Programs
• Functional Training
• Gait Training and Balance Programs
• Manual and Massage Therapy
• Neurological and Neurodegenerative Retraining
• Vestibular Rehabilitation

Innovative Therapies Group, Inc.
352-433-0091 |

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