Written by, Carolyn Waygood, Certified Natural Health Professional & Plexus Ambassador

Freedom from Health Challenges
When you are someone plagued with health concerns, you appreciate those days when you are free from pain, free from illnesses, and free from the limitations ill-health places on your everyday life. Unfortunately, most people have begun to accept those constraints as if they were a “life-sentence” of disease. Nothing could be further from the truth – or your potential reality. “Too many people are simply living with ill-health, not by choice”, explains Carolyn Waygood, Certified Natural Health Professional, “but because they haven’t been educated or empowered to change their situation.” Good health is something everyone is capable of achieving, they just need a little direction. Recently, Plexus Worldwide, a natural health company based in Scottsdale, Arizona, hosted their annual convention in Dallas, Texas, and the theme of the gathering was “FREEDOM”. During the 3-day event, thousands of Plexus customers and representatives shared their experiences, detailing the many health benefits they achieved through the Plexus products. “I think it’s so important to let everyone know”, noted Sabra McCraw as she addressed the over 8,000 attendees, “that [Plexus] is not just about weight loss…while the weight loss is great, that’s just a tiny benefit to what Plexus does!”
While Sabra’s experience is a common one, Plexus Health Ambassadors still have an uphill battle when trying to encourage others to take the necessary steps to improve their health. “Unfortunately, most people are skeptical, and they become paralyzed by their doubt”, explains Ms. Waygood. “To help encourage people to invest time and energy into their health, I simply let them know that Plexus has an effective line of natural wellness products that have proven time and time again that they can help improve even the most stubborn health challenge. The key is to work WITH your Plexus Ambassador as they help YOU overcome your personal health issues. It takes patience and perseverance, but everyone can break free from dis-ease.”
“I decided to try Plexus on October 24, 2013. I really needed to lose a few pounds and only 10 weeks later my results far exceeded my expectations! Not only did I lose a lot of weight and inches, I am no longer sick! I had spent the last year in and out of doctor’s offices and hospitals and had just about every test you could think of trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I had been suffering for a couple of years with severe stomach and abdominal pain and discomfort, fatigue, muscle and joint stiffness and pain, debilitating headaches, and severe depression … NO ONE could find anything wrong with me other than insomnia and GERD/Acid Reflux that caused damage to my esophagus. I was a complete mess and knew that there was something really wrong that the doctors weren’t finding. After deciding to take Plexus to hopefully aid in my weight loss, I learned about candida overgrowth and the havoc it can cause to your entire body, so I decided to do the candida spit test and was it ever present! I immediately started taking the recommended Plexus products to get rid of it. The first few weeks I’ll admit were really rough, I learned I was going through what’s called candida die off symptoms that included nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, severe headaches and body aches. I was determined to stick it out and see if this Candida Overgrowth had been the root of my problems. When the die off symptoms subsided, I started feeling really good! Three months later… I am now convinced that this was indeed my problem and with Plexus Slim, Accelerator, Probio5, Bio Cleanse and X Factor I have won the battle against the Candida! I feel amazing and have more energy than I ever remember having, my mood even seems to be elevated. I want to call my husband most days and tell him how incredibly happy I feel. I know to some that may seem silly but when you get as down as I was it’s a HUGE thing! I’m no longer on my thyroid meds, my hormones or my GERD/Acid Reflux meds, the insomnia is gone as well and now I fall asleep with ease and no longer need sleep aids or antidepressants. I also don’t remember the last Hot Flash I had! These Plexus products have given me my life back and I will never stop taking them, they really do work! They are changing the lives of my family and friends and for this I am so grateful!”
– Sabra McCraw
of three. At one point in her life, she packed her car with 3 suitcases and headed back home to live with her mother. Her daughter was sick, she lived off food stamps, and weighed 300 pounds. Life seemed pretty dark, until she was introduced to Plexus. When her daughter’s doctors approved the Plexus products and she began to witness an improvement in her health, Angel began to use them too. When Angel started her personal Plexus journey, she weighed 300 pounds and was a size 26. After she lost 97 pounds, and scaled down to a size 5, she knew she had to share the products with the world! Today, while the improvements in her family’s health are recognized as the most important blessing, the income she earns through the Plexus business opportunity is beyond her (and ours!) imagination!
“One of the most amazing things about being affiliated with Plexus”, notes Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Health Ambassador, “is it offers people a real opportunity to achieve better health, as well as a unique business model that empowers people to build financial independence. There’s no other income opportunity that offers someone the ability to get healthier and TWELVE ways to earn money!” While some Plexus customers chose to participate in the Plexus business in order to earn extra income, it is not a requirement when purchasing Plexus products. However, if you’re considering trying a Plexus product for yourself or a loved one, take the time to learn about the business opportunity because it’s helped thousands of people all over the world achieve financial freedom.
Freedom to Live Your Life on Your Terms!
Freedom to dictate your own schedule, the hours you work, the time you spend with your family, when you want to take a vacation, and when you simply want to relax at home seems to be an unrealistic dream. Maybe it was based on historical busi-ness models, but not anymore!
“We are living through an important change in traditional business models”, explains Ms. Waygood. “The influence of social media, the increased importance in personal testimonies and referrals, a consumer’s desire for more education, and the need for increased wealth are driving the success of direct-sales and home-based businesses.” The positive impact the direct selling channel of distribution has made, and continues to make, on the lives of people is both real and achievable. The fact that a single mother of 3, once bound by food stamps and ill-health, could obtain both health and wealth from products sold through direct-sales should encourage everyone.
Plexus Ambassadors are certainly encouraged, and feel blessed to be involved in a young company based on high-quality natural wellness products, and guided by a moral and ethical executive team. Talk to any Plexus Health Ambassador and they will tell you they are thankful for the freedom Plexus has brought them; freedom from sickness, freedom from debt, and freedom to spend their time doing what they love! “If you’re frustrated with your job, and feel passionate about helping others be healthier”, suggests Ms. Waygood, “than you owe it to yourself and others to learn more about Plexus!”
Looking for a Plexus Ambassador close to you? Contact one of our passionate and professional representatives today, and learn more about the many health benefits associated to the Plexus natural products, as well as the generous income program Plexus offers. Let them help you improve your health, and wealth, with Plexus!