Tuesday , October 22 2024

God "Our" Father

GodOn May 6th, 2010, my first born son was welcomed into this world with amazement and incredible joy. My wife and I just sit for hours watching our little baby eat, sleep, and every now and then we think we see a smile. There is nothing quite like the love and adoration we feel for him understanding that he is a gift from God. In reflecting on this new bond with our son, it draws my heart to understanding a little more about how much God loves us and longs to be our Father.
I wonder how often we who are God’s children know this when we think about God, our Heavenly Father, recognizing the love He showers on us everyday. He loves us because we are His! God’s Word tells us that,“when we were children, we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world. But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.” (Galiatians 4:3-5, NIV) Paul tells us that we used to be enslaved to this world, but when Christ came, He made away for us to become children of God. Now we have full rights as God’s children! What an astounding statement to think about and praise God for His grace and mercy as we are adopted into His Kingdom. As we savor the reality of being God’s children it is important for us to recognize the blessings we receive from God as our Father.
The love God has for us is perfect, He always makes the right decisions for us because He is working on our behalf so we might learn to love and glorify Him more with all our hearts. Biblical love is explained in God’s Word when it says, “Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (Corinthians 13:7-8a, NIV) There is nothing more powerful than real love, it is eternal. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres because God’s love never fails!
Our Father God always protects us
We don’t have to live this life trying to protect ourselves because God is our protector. This should bring a sigh of relief to our hearts because we have often depended on our own strength, or others, and both led to disaster. God takes the initiative as He says, “I will be your Protector.” When this sinks into my heart I can fully be secure knowing God is my refuge and strength.
Our Father God is always trustworthy
Often many of us had poor earthly fathers who were not trustworthy and continually let us down, when we needed them most. God’s perfect love starts with protection which leads to trust, as His timing is ALWAYS perfect. God is dependable, when others are not. God is our Father who is trustworthy because He is faithful.
Our Father always gives us hope
We can be secure in Him even when our world is turned upside down because God is our protector, and He is trustworthy because He always does what is best for us. When we are assured God has our best interest at heart than we can have hope in Him alone. Eternal hope is not a cross your fingers type of wish, but assurance, confidence, and anticipation of what God will do with us as His children in the future.
Our Father’s love always perseveres
A final word about God’s love for us. His love always perseveres because it is eternal. It continues on even into eternity. As we grow in Christ as God’s children His love begins to flourish in our hearts. We start to practice the same kind of love to others that God has graciously poured out on us.
What an honor it is to be called children of God. He has pulled us out of this world, and adopted as His children by cleansing us from our sin, and giving us the gift of His Holy Spirit, all in the name of love. (Ephesians 2:1-10) What an awesome God we serve, who loves us to the point of making us His children.

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