Monday , February 17 2025

All YMCA of Tampa Bay Facilities Are Closed  to Protect the Communities We Serve

All YMCA of Tampa Bay Facilities Are Closed  to Protect the Communities We ServeTo limit the spread of COVID-19, all YMCA locations are closed across Tampa Bay through Friday, May 8th* to transition efforts to help first responders and medical workers. This closure affects all Y programming including sports, aquatics and special events until that time, at which point Y leadership will re-evaluate whether to resume operations based on current information and guidance from our local health department and government leaders.

Starting Monday, March 23rd, the YMCA started offering all-day school-age relief care for essential workers at 21 Y locations across Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Citrus and Hernando counties to help support the children of healthcare and emergency response professionals, as well as other essential workers, who are playing important roles combating the coronavirus. Together, the Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA, YMCA of the Suncoast and YMCA of Greater St. Petersburg can work to meet a critical need that will help our Greater Tampa Bay region continue to effectively function as our schools are closed.

The Bob Sierra North Tampa, New Tampa and South Tampa Ys are some of the Y centers in Tampa Bay providing relief care to essential workers (medical/healthcare/pharmacy, emergency response teams & military). While this situation is evolving and ever-changing, at this time the Y is working directly with employers representing those essential care fields throughout our community to meet their needs first. Special registration links are provided to these qualified employers.

“The mission of the Y is bigger than our buildings,” says Tampa YMCA President & CEO, Matt Mitchell. “That’s why it’s so important in uncertain times like these our incredible supporters continue to help us in our cause to strengthen the community. Our members and donors are what keep us going, keep us strong and keep us in service to meet the critical need that’s presented to all of us during this public health crisis.”

The YMCA intends to continue connecting with members, despite their facilities being closed. The Y has set up virtual tools for YMCA members to use while we all comply with public health efforts. “It’s our way of helping community members stay active, healthy and connected in their own homes, and on their own time,” says Matt. “As a nonprofit, charitable organization, the safety and well-being of our staff, members and volunteers is always the Y’s top priority. At the Y, everything we do is guided by our cause to strengthen communities.”

“We’re now able to lower the youth relief care rate to $50/week thanks to the generosity of the Florida Blue Foundation and our valued YMCA members choosing to donate their monthly membership fees to help the Y continue our charitable work,” says Matt.

In Hillsborough & East Pasco counties, qualified employees register here:

Dates: Apr. 3, Apr. 6-10, Apr. 13-17, Apr. 20-24, Apr. 27-May 1, May 4-8
Time: 6:30/7am – 6pm
Cost: $50per week (No child is turned away due to inability to pay. Please inquire about financial aid.)

*This is a very fluid situation and dates are subject to change.

Qualified employees register here:


4015 Ragg Rd., Tampa, FL 33624

16221 Compton Drive, Tampa, FL 33647

4411 S. Himes Ave., Tampa, FL 33611

East Pasco Family YMCA
37301 Chapel Hill Loop, Zephyrhills, FL 33542

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