Friday , September 27 2024


This Isn’t Your Grandma’s Frozen Dinner Stick to Your Healthy Routine…Conveniently

Dinner Stick

Back in the day convenient foods, such as TV dinners, chicken potpie and frozen lasagna were stocked in freezers of households near and far, but in today’s world, we’re smarter than that. We know that what we put into our bodies matters, and we definitely understand that the quality and …

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Massage Protocols Are Recognized as a Critical Part of an Athlete’s Performance and Health Plan

Massage Protocols

Athlete care and today’s Sports Medicine staff have evolved and are much different in their look and approach when compared to the old school traditional sports medicine staffs consisting of just the athletic trainer and the strength coach. We no longer call it the sports medicine; it is now the …

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Postponing Medical Testing What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Postponing Medical Testing

Fear of Medical Tests Can Cause Dangerous Delays in Care People in need of routine cancer screenings and important diagnostic tests often find reasons to postpone or avoid getting them done. Reasons range from fear and anxiety to inconvenience or lack of time. People often decide to wait until they …

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Do You Have Ringing in Your Ears?

Ringing in Your Ears

If you suffer from hearing or balance disorders, it’s time that you get the appropriate treatment to live your life free from lack of communication, ringing in the ears, pain, dizziness, and other adverse effects that are damaging to your overall health. Tinnitus is a common condition that many people …

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It seems way too soon . . . until it’s too late

It seems way too soon

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County Think of the many things we put off every day, tasks we’d rather not do. Procrastination is all too easy, especially when it comes to talking about something as unpleasant as the end of life. It’s one of those topics most people would rather …

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Diabetes and Eye Disease Monitoring is Key to Vision Preservation

Diabetes and Eye Disease

Diabetes can lay the groundwork for a group of eye diseases, and awareness is instrumental in protecting vision from these stealthy conditions. While none are curable, they can be managed successfully, preventing, delaying and reducing the vision loss and impairment these untreated conditions can cause. Diabetic Retinopathy The high sugar …

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Include Good Nutrition in Your Meal Planning

Good Nutrition

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, boosting your immunity is more important than ever. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people who have a well-balanced, nutritious diet tend to be healthier and have a stronger immune system with a lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. …

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By Dr. J. Mandume Kerina Dr. Kerina and his colleagues have spent their professional life studying how to combat the effects of arthritis. They have helped develop advanced surgical techniques to reliably help to revitalize your life. This has culminated in our current opioid free joint replacement program. The overuse …

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Lower Your Cholesterol with these Tasty Tips

Lower Your Cholesterol

High cholesterol can become a problem at almost any age, but our risk for developing it increases as we get older. For women, high cholesterol can especially become a problem after menopause. Luckily, there are some easy ways to prevent high cholesterol or help lower it right in your kitchen. …

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The Role of Physical and Occupational Therapy for MS

Role of Physical

Multiple Sclerosis affects approximately 2.3 million Americans, but that number is thought to be much higher since the symptoms are often unspecified and confused with other disorders. With autoimmune disorders, the body’s natural defense system (immune system) attacks itself and causes inflammation and damage to healthy tissue and organs. Multiple …

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