Friday , September 27 2024


Nutrition: What We Eat Really Does Matter


When it comes to diet and nutrition, it’s safe to say that there are countless opinions of what’s best. So, how do you really know whose advice to take? Mostly, it just comes down to common sense. For example, what’s better, an apple or a cookie? A bag of chips …

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What You Need to Know About Your IMMUNE SYSTEM


By Sheryl Hensel As long as your immune system is running smoothly, you don’t even notice it’s there or think about what it’s doing. What happens when it doesn’t work properly? Diseases like Colorectal Cancer, Endometriosis, Kidney Disease, Vision Impairments, and Brain Disorders to name a few start to set …

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Excessive Bleeding and Pain Lead Many Women to Believe That a Hysterectomy is Their Only Option – Not True

By Parveen Vahora, M.D. It’s not uncommon for women to experience heavy bleeding due to fibroids or cysts at various stages in their life, but for many women endometriosis is the primary disorder causing their ongoing issues. Endometriosis and intrauterine disorders can cause excessive bleeding and pain. For older women …

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Include Good Nutrition in Your Holiday Meal Planning

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, boosting your immunity is more important than ever. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people who have a well-balanced, nutritious diet tend to be healthier and have a stronger immune system with a lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. …

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BayCare Medical Group Surgeon Gives Insight on Diverticulitis

BayCare Medical Group

Dr Brett Armstrong explains the details of diverticulitis and what common symptoms and treatment options are available to patients. Diverticulitis is one of the more common pathologies we see as General Surgeons. It is estimated that by the age of 40, 40% of Americans will have Diverticulosis, the underlying disease …

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Get The Most From Your Beauty Treatment Protocols and Regimens

Beauty Treatment

A common question people ask is what I should do between visits to my esthetician or dermatologist that are the most complimentary to achieving my beauty and skincare objectives. Some protocols used to restore and beautify the skin do so by inducing cellular trauma to stimulate the skin cells healing …

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Isolation Is Killing Us. Literally. Connection is the Cure.

Isolation Is Killing Us

Long before COVID-19 we faced a health crisis. Few people talked about it, but it was right here – the loneliness epidemic. Now, the growing number of lonely, isolated seniors has become a crisis that we cannot ignore. Loneliness has physical consequences that can be devastating, especially for seniors. It …

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MSK MRI Quick & Accurate, to Get You Back on Track

MSK MRI Quick & Accurate

The musculoskeletal system (MSK) encompasses a wide range of components, including bones, joints, cartilage, muscles, tendons, ligaments, spinal disks and nerves. Any number of things can affect these areas, including damage, injury, arthritis, infection, tumors, herniation and concussions. For rapid and accurate diagnosis, RAO utilizes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which …

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It’s Children’s National Dentistry Month: The Importance of Oral Health and Restorative Sleep

Oral Health

By Dr. Thomas Harter Many grandparents are in the best position to step in and step up during Children’s National Dentistry Month to make a difference in their grandchildren’s health. We all want our children to thrive in all aspects of life. Strong healthy well-balanced children are the world’s future. …

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COVID-19 Neutralizing Antibody & IGG White Paper

COVID-19 Neutralizing Antibody

By Select Laboratory Partners ANTIBODIES AND VACCINES Infection with SARS-CoV-2 causes the body to produce two different kinds of antibodies: binding antibodies and neutralizing antibodies. The most commonly measured binding antibodies are IgM and IgG. Neutralizing antibodies have been shown to prevent the coronavirus from infecting our cells. COVID-19 vaccines, …

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