Friday , September 27 2024


Eyelash Transplants Offer Beauty and Protection for Weak and Damaged Lashes

Eyelash Transplants

While long, luscious eyelashes are an eternal sign of youth and beauty, their benefits go far past aesthetics. Eyelashes are the primary way potentially damaging dust motes and debris are kept away from the delicate surface of the eye. Most people don’t realize how delicate and fragile natural eyelashes really …

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By Alexander C. Frank, DC, DACNB, FABES My shoulder hurts me! Why isn’t that sufficient enough for you to know what is wrong with me and how to get me better!? “Well, it is vital to know what you feel is hurting, but I also want to know the why.” …

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February is Get Moving Month

Ireally like the word “moving” rather than exercise (a 4 letter word in the minds of many – including me). Now more than ever before (due to COVID restrictions) you have to move and be active even it is just around your home or neighborhood. Sitting around watching depressing news …

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Physical Therapy: Your Key to Wellness!

Getting people moving and keeping them active is the key to health care. But there are so many illnesses and injuries that can prevent people from being active; from simple sprains and strains of ligaments and muscles, to arthritis and back pain, and to medical problems such as neurologic conditions, heart, …

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea & Oral Appliances: A Solution for a Good Night’s Sleep

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

By Richard W. Rozensky, DDS, D.ABDSM Sleep apnea affects more than 25 million people in the United States. It is a progressive condition that interrupts breathing patterns throughout a person’s sleep. People that suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) may have episodes of stopping breathing up to hundreds of times …

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Can Regenerative Medicine Relieve Your Shoulder Pain?

By Physicians Rehabilitation If you suffer from shoulder pain due to injury, degeneration or disease, you know that most physicians will tell you there are two options, medications such as narcotics, or steroids (which are addictive and risky), or surgery, which is often unnecessary. While surgery may be needed with …

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BayCare Immediate Care Services and Coronavirus Information


BayCare, a leading health system in Tampa Bay and central Florida regions, uses innovative technology to provide convenient access to different care options and services for patients and their families. BayCare’s innovative technology, telehealth services and multiple convenient locations provide access to the right care at the right place for …

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Valentine’s Day Got You Feeling a Little Anxious?


Learn How An In-Office Procedure Can Restore Your Intimacy and Turn Back the Clock By Parveen Vahora, M.D. February is a time when many people celebrate love. We see Valentine’s marketing campaigns everywhere, from the grocery and drug store to the direct to consumer ads on television, but what if …

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RevitalIV is NOW OPEN!

RevitalIV Tampa

RevitalIV Tampa is now open as the premier luxury health center in the Tampa Bay area, bringing health and wellness reimagined to the community. RevitalIV Tampa offers state-of-the-art IV Therapy, Fitness and Recovery services. Their Recovery services are centered around personalized Massage Therapy to help the body recover in the …

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