Friday , September 27 2024


How to Get the Most Out of Your Surgery

Most Out of Your Surgery

Submitted By Reconstructive Orthopaedics of Central Florida While surgery is often not the initial goal when seeking treatment for joint pain, it is sometimes the best resolution. Additionally, things like traumatic fractures, tears, and other injuries result in your physician ordering surgery to best address your pain, discomfort, or decreased …

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Finding Hope in the New Year

Finding Hope in the New Year

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County It’s an understatement to say that 2020 is a year that everyone would like to forget ever happened. The global pandemic is something we would like to put behind us and get back to some sort of “normal” life. However, we still grieve the …

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With Glaucoma, Management Makes All the Difference


Glaucoma is a set of eye diseases affecting the optic nerve, which is a group of about a million individual nerve fibers that collectively create a communication gateway between the eye and the brain. The optic nerve carries information collected by the retina to your brain for interpretation, creating what …

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In with the Good, Out with the Bad – Naples Soap Company

Naples Soap Company

2021 is here, and it’s time for a fresh start! We’re all accustomed to making New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier, give up bad habits and make other lifestyle changes. But, there’s one health-related resolution that never makes the list: a pledge to take better care …

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New Year’s Resolutions: Are You Tired of Home Maintenance & Yard Work? Senior Living Might be The Resolution You Need

Sumter Senior Living

Countless people are making New Year’s resolutions for change, whether that’s living a healthier lifestyle or learning a new skill, but if you are a senior, It’s time you found out more about your opportunities for change within your living conditions. Most seniors are tired of yard work and home …

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Approaching erectile dysfunction: the woman’s perspective

erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be painful, both physically and emotionally. And when talking about ED, the majority of the time, women hear about the man’s perspective. This is somewhat understandable. After all, it’s men who suffer from the disease. However, ED can be quite difficult for women as well. Though women …

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You Are Only As Healthy As Your Cells Recharge Your Cells with PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) Therapy


By Sheryl Hensel Most fluids in the body are electrolytes, which are ions (charged particles) dissolved in liquids. Therefore, it’s easy to compare the human body to a large battery that generates electricity and needs to be charged from time to time. Did you know the body consists of approximately …

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Regenerating Joint Cartilage: Do Stem Cells Really Work?

Regenerating Joint Cartilage

By Physicians Rehabilitation Articular cartilage provides a smooth cushioning between bones at the joints. When cartilage is damaged by injury or disease, bones can rub directly against each other, causing pain and inflammation, which can eventually result in arthritis. It progressively gets worse, so treating it is imperative. Can you regenerate …

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Stress and Weight Gain

Weight gain is not just about food choices, activity level and portion control. Stress plays a significant role in the obesity epidemic. Traumatic events such as a death, divorce or even COVID can have a dramatic impact on weight. But more frequently chronic stress, can impact health and affect the …

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Cornerstone Hospice And Palliative Care: Helping Patients and Families in Numerous Ways

Cornerstone Hospice

Submitted by Cornerstone Hospice and Palliative Care According to recent reports from the National Hospice and Palliative Organization, more than 1.5 million Americans receive care from hospice each year. Hospice and Palliative care are end of life services developed specifically to provide services and support for individuals and families during …

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