Friday , September 27 2024


When is Hip Replacement Surgery Necessary?

Christopher Manseau M.D. Innovative Procedures from Orthopaedic Specialty Care Because we have the most beautiful weather all year long, in our sunshine state, older individuals are golfing, playing tennis, pickleball, kayaking, swimming and the list goes on and on; but with all of this healthy activity, adults are more susceptible to …

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The World Health Organization Aims to Prevent Millions of Deaths From Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: April 24-30 is World Immunization Week

Munroe Regional Medical Center wants to shed light on the importance of vaccinations through educating the communities they serve. World Immunization week is an excellent time to call attention to potentially life-saving vaccines that are available to protect you and your loved ones from various preventable diseases. Campaign essentials for …

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Hearing Loss and Distractions Can Cause Severe Vehicular Accidents

By Danielle Rosier, Au.D. Doesn’t it drive you crazy following a car on the interstate with the blinker going for miles?  Or the vehicle that goes through a stopped intersection clearing the way for an emergency vehicle?  How about the person who pulls out in front of you who cannot hear …

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Certain Foods Exacerbate Tooth Fractures

It’s spring!  This time of year, we’re more apt to indulge in foods that might not be the best for our teeth.  Our favorite Easter candies like taffy and suckers, can lead to some unsightly and often painful dental disorders. What should you do if you break a tooth?  You should …

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Alternative Medicine in the Evaluation and Care of Parkinson’s Disease Patients

By Dr. Michael John Badanek, BS, DC, CNS, CTTP, DACBN, DCBCN, MSGR./CHEV Orthodox medicine has long ignored gut bacteria’s role in human health and disease.  But things are changing. So called “alternative” doctors and researchers – who are in fact the real men and women of medicine – have recognized …

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National Occupational Therapy (OT) Month

Happy national occupational therapy month! This month is used to recognize those who spend their lives working to improve yours.  Occupational therapists provide hands on rehabilitation to help patients after illness or injury, or patients with disabilities improve their ability to move and function in daily life. One of the biggest …

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Create a Safe Home for Dementia Patients

People with Alzheimer’s can live in their homes, as long as safety measures are in place. As Alzheimer’s progresses, a person’s abilities change. But with some creativity and problem solving, you can adapt the home environment to support these changes. How dementia affects safety? With creativity and flexibility, you can create …

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Medicare Scams: How to Keep Your Information Safeguarded

This spring look for your new Medicare card in the mail.  Beginning April 2018, CMS (the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) will be sending you a replacement Medicare card.  It is expected to take a year to accomplish this due to the vast number of people on Medicare.  The great …

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Prescribed an Opioid? Ask your doctor (and dentist) these questions

By Dr. Sam Ho, chief medical officer, UnitedHealthcare If your doctor or dentist prescribes a pain reliever, take charge of your health and find out exactly what you are getting. UnitedHealth Group medical experts recommend you ask your doctor these questions about any opioid prescription. Common opioid brand names include …

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The Acceptance of Alcohol is Leading to More Dependence Issues and Health Concerns

By Dr. Sivasekaran, MD In our social culture, drinking with family and friends is common for celebrating special occasions and in some instances coping  with  life.   Drinking alcohol has become extremely accepted in our society, and with that acceptance and desensitization of the harmful effects, comes a lot more alcohol …

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