Friday , September 27 2024


Eye-opening Facts About Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic Eye

November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month, which is dedicated to focusing on the eye diseases related to diabetes and preventing related vision loss. People with type 1, type 2 or pregnancy-related diabetes are more susceptible to certain sight-stealing eye diseases, making regular comprehensive eye exams especially important so that …

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The Anxious Anxiety of GAD and Medical Cannabis

Anxious Anxiety

By Dr. Miguel J. De Puigdorfila, DOM “Snap out of it, get it together.”- are common ‘friendly recommendations’ when we suffer anxiety. –“Seriously!? That’s your best?!” From Greek ánkhõ, ‘to choke’, anxiety comes from Latin anxietãs, and anxius; synonyms to distressed, disquieted, troubled. Anxiety is the autonomous sympathetic nervous system …

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Thankfully, We’re Here to Help

November, a time of togetherness and reflection, is Family Stories Month. What better time to share stories than Thanks-giving? Family Stories Month encourages us to record or listen to stories from relatives of all ages. Afterall, there are countless anecdotes of romance, travel, and adventure in every family’s history. For …

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Developing Discipline

Developing Discipline

Here’s a question for you: What is one thing in your life that you are not doing, that if you started doing on a regular basis would make a tremendous positive difference in your life? Here’s a follow-up question: why are you not doing it? Answer: most of us are …

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TubcuT® Can Help Alleviate Slip and Falls and trouble getting in and out of the Bath

Wisdom may come with age but getting older has its set of challenges. People are living longer but not necessarily healthier. From diminished eyesight, arthritis, immobility, to cognitive decline, some conditions make it high-risk and unsafe for seniors living on their own or with limited supervision. Some of the biggest …

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Quantum Technology: Innovative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy

Quantum Technology

By DR. ROBERT LUPO, D.C. 20 million people have Peripheral neuropathy happens when the small blood vessels, which supply blood and nutrients to the nerves become impaired. When the nerves are no longer fed nutrients, they either die, or their signals to the brain become restricted and ineffective. Causes of …

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Does Your Hair Look Affright?

Don’t be Scared to Do Something About It by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS Does looking in the mirror at your thinning hair make you want to scream? Are you haunted by thoughts that someday you’ll have even less hair than you do now? At Bauman Medical we specialize in …

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Work (out) Smarter, Not Harder with Emsculpt NEO!

Emsculpt NEO

By Dr. Tina Chandra If you could lose fat and gain muscle without working out and see results in around 2 months, would you do it? Is it possible? Is there technology that can sculpt the body and make us look better? It’s not a dream. The day has finally …

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The Cost of Keeping Up


By Allison Weber, APRN-C The cost of treatment will always outweigh the cost of prevention. This holds especially true when it comes to your skin. Once a skin condition has set in, it’s exponentially harder to get rid of. Let’s take a look at some of the costs to prevent …

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Protect Your Eyes From Halloween Hazards

Halloween Hazards

Halloween should be all about tricks, treats, delightful costumes, and making excuses to overindulge in sweets. But some of today’s more inventive and exciting costumes include accessories that can irritate eyes, invite infection and, in some cases, cause permanent blindness. No, we’re not kidding. The CDC, American Academy of Ophthalmology, …

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