Friday , September 27 2024


What to Know About Having a Biopsy


Each year, millions of Americans are referred for a biopsy to analyze something that an initial exam or test reveals may be abnormal. A biopsy involves the removal of a small sample of affected tissue, whether via a needle, small incision or more-invasive excisional biopsy, depending on the area of …

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Sun Safety Tips So You Can Enjoy the Florida Sunshine

Sun Safety Tips

You’re ready to get out there and explore Florida’s natural beauty. Before you head out into the hottest months of the year, you’ll need to grab more than your sunscreen. Sun protection is key during our hot summer months. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), …

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Move First – Sell Later

Move First

By Sharon A. Bassett Transitioning to a senior living facility is not an easy time in the life of the senior or the family. Sharon Bassett Premier Realty, INC can help with this transition. Selling the family home can be done in various stages to transition to senior housing. Each …

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UV Safety Month

UV Safety Month

By Colby Beck, PA-C Living in Florida, AKA “The Sunshine State” during the summer months is HOT. With scorching temperatures and humidity, many people tend to wear clothing such as bathing suits, shorts, and sleeveless tops that expose sensitive areas in attempt to stay cool. However, those who suffer from …

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Firework Fun: Important Tips to Keep Your Eyes Safe

Firework Fun

Americans love the 4th of July, a day when we all get together with family, friends and neighbors to delight in the color, dazzle and brilliance of fireworks. However, it should be no surprise that consumer fireworks, the kind obtained for home use, can cause serious injuries, even fatalities. According …

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Supportive Care – Helping You Feel Better and Live Better

Supportive Care

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County Not so long ago, folks with chronic conditions were destined to be defined by their condition: restricted mobility, dietary issues, un-ending pain and no relief from their symptoms. That fate is no longer a given. Thanks to the innovative means of palliative or what …

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A BayCare Urologist Sheds Light on Overactive Bladder

What You Should Know About OAB Stimulants, Symptoms and Treatment Kenneth A. Essig, M.D. People with overactive bladder (OAB) often experience urgency at inconvenient and unpredictable times and may have trouble with leaking. Overactive bladder interferes with work, daily routines, intimacy and can reduce an individuals’ self-esteem and quality of …

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Ensuring our Parents Health Through Medication Compliance

Parents Health

By Dr. David Steinberg, Pharmacist As the baby boomer generation ages and medications become more numerous, children and family members are charged with caring for the loved ones. This task comes not only with much stress but also with many questions. The questions often range from “Who will administer the …

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Fish Oil and Fiber: How to be Number One at ‘Number Two’

Fish Oil and Fiber

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD Countless blogs detail how exercising, eating well, and sleeping better are crucial for healthy aging. But there’s one aspect to good health that people rarely mention: pooping. Yes, pooping. Maybe as a physician, I should be medically correct and write “defecating” instead. But whatever the term, one …

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A Pediatrician Sheds Light on The Importance of Regular Wellness Visits

Maintaining regular wellness visits for children is essential throughout a child’s development and into their young adult life. These regular wellness visits allow the child’s pediatrician to evaluate their physical, emotional, social well-being, as well as prevent any developing health problems or concerns. Pediatricians keep children on track for essential …

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