Friday , September 27 2024


Live Pain Free – Know Your Options

What causes hip or knee pain?  Injury, over-use, or lack of use can cause short-term pain. However, if the pain lasts longer than a few weeks, seek medical advice. Arthritis is the single greatest cause of chronic hip and knee pain, and disability in America. 24% of all adults ave …

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Stroke Nut

Stroke Nut

By Nasser Razack, MD, JD May is stroke awareness month. There are many actions we can take to impact the future of stroke but none greater than its prevention. Our emphasis must switch from the treatment of the disease to its prevention by promoting better health and well-being. Inflammation is …

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Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Learn How Patients Can Stay in The Comfort of Their Own Home


At this point in life, it seems inescapable that we all know someone effected by dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. When diagnosed early, the beginning stages may not be as difficult, but when the mid to advanced stages take place, the ability to care for your loved one can be extremely …

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Cleaner Air = Healthier Living

Cleaner Air

Proper breathing has recently become a health interest and people are encouraged to take deeper breaths and in specific rhythms for multiple health benefits. But what about the air we breathe? Is it clean, or does it harbor environmental toxins such as mold, bacteria, and viruses? We all now understand …

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Hurricane Preparedness: Aston Gardens At Tampa Bay Has Their Residents Covered

Hurricane Preparedness

We’ve been forewarned that this year’s storm season is going to be much more active than last years. We can hope and cross our fingers that our coast won’t get hit, but it’s essential to make plans for hurricane season. It’s important to have a plan. • Lists of medication …

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Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is rarely in the news, but it’s a health topic that all men, especially younger men, need to be aware of. Like many cancers, the sooner testicular cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat, and the cure rate for this form of cancer is extremely high …

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Radiology Subspecialties: Extra Training and Education Make the Difference

Radiology Subspecialties

At some point or other, nearly everyone will need a radiological exam, but many people aren’t aware of what role the radiologist plays in their care. A trained technologist performs the actual x-ray, ultrasound, MRI or other imaging test, while the radiologist is the doctor who studies the images to …

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April is National Healthcare Decisions Month

Healthcare Decisions Month

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County Making your preferred end-of-life healthcare decisions a priority is wise any time of the year. But, special focus is given in the month of April during National Healthcare Decisions Month to help increase awareness of this important healthcare decision. It’s never too early to …

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Sports-related Eye Injuries: How to Avoid a Trip to the ER

April is Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month, focusing attention on sports-related eye injuries. Every year in the US, more than 40,000 people end up in emergency rooms for ocular injuries from sports activities. Trauma to the eye can cause lifelong vision problems and often result in permanent vision loss. In …

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