Friday , September 27 2024


It’s not just an ID Badge. Its badge of honor

badge of honor

Job seekers looking for meaningful work can find great opportunities with BayCare, one of the best performing health systems and one of the highest rated employers in the country. Working for BayCare means supporting an important mission: to improve the health of all we serve through community-owned, health care services …

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Don’t be “Myth-stified” by Hair Loss Myths and Misconceptions

By Alan J Bauman, MD, ABHRS Board-Certified Hair Restoration Physician Having been in the hair restoration field for almost 25 years, I’ve heard just about all of the misconceptions anyone has ever come up with about hair loss and hair restoration. With August being Hair Loss Awareness Month, it had …

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Estate Planning: What You Should Know

Estate Planning

As we age, it’s important to plan out where and who our assets will go to, but it’s usually something that many people put off due to not wanting to think of end of life circumstances. Despite this train of thought, it’s an essential part of planning and a responsibility …

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Is Spinal Cord Stimulation the Answer to Your Pain?

Is Spinal Cord Stimulation the Answer to Your Pain?

If you have persistent pain for six months or more, it’s considered chronic. By that point, you may have tried just about everything to find relief, but you know you don’t want to undergo even more painful surgery or take medication for the rest of your life. What do you …

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It’s Time to Sell

Time to Sell

By Amanda Fincher It’s loud and clear that this is a seller’s market. The home valuation has skyrocketed here locally and across our state. What does that mean for you? If you are considering a move, whether you are moving into a new home, downsizing into a condo or townhome, …

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Physicians Rehabilitation Treats Sports Injuries With Innovative Methods and Procedures – No Drugs – No Surgery

Physicians Rehabilitation

By Physicians Rehabilitation We all know that being and staying active is critical for aging well. But as we age, we can sometimes exacerbate injuries especially for those who are active in sports like tennis, running, biking, pickleball and working out. Physicians Rehabilitation has a several options to treat and …

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Breakthrough IOL Technologies From Lake Eye

Lake Eye

Deciding to treat the blur, muting and potential danger of cataracts is a smart decision, one designed to dramatically improve vision, safety and quality of life. But having a clouded natural lens removed is only the first part of cataract surgery – the second is having a new intraocular lens …

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Cannabis & Coronavirus

Cannabis & Coronavirus

Covid-19 has slowly spread its way into the lives of almost every person starting with financial distress and ending in the constant fear of carrying on with everyone’s daily routine. These strange times have called for unorthodox measures to be taken in order to flatten the curve of the spread …

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Early Detection of Cancer Saves Lives: Get Screened


A cancer diagnosis changes everything; it is, perhaps, the most feared diagnosis a doctor can deliver. Every cancer patient wants tocancer diagnosis changes everything; it is, perhaps, the most feared diagnosis a doctor can deliver. Every cancer patient wants to wants to be assured they have access to the most …

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Connecting With Each Other: The Key to Health & Wellness


Social distancing helped us survive the pandemic. It also taught us how staying connected with loved ones is the very thing that makes survival worthwhile. Yet even before COVID-19 we faced a health crisis. Few people talked about it, but it was right here – the loneliness epidemic. For many, …

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