Tuesday , October 22 2024

Can You See Me?

Can You See MeWelcome to June. The summer months are upon us and everyone would like to see crisp and clear at all the beautiful sights of summer. Now you can. The whole month of June is known as cataract awareness month.
Cataracts are more common in adults 70 and older but according to the Prevent Blindness  America (PBA) cataracts can affect more than 22 million Americans aged 40 and older.Cataracts is a clouding of the eye’s lens which blocks or changes the passage of light into the eye.  Unlike many eye diseases, however, vision loss due to cataract can be restored.  Cataract surgery is one of the most common performed today in the Unites States and has a success rate of 95%. Studies have shown that hip surgeries has declined with people that had cataract surgeries.
Cataracts do not cause pain, redness or tears. Changes in your vision may be a sign of cataracts.
These changes can include:
Blurred vision, double vision, ghost images and a feeling of a film over the eyes.
Lights may seem to dim for reading or for close up work. You may feel startled by bright or strong lights.
Halos around lights.
Changing eyeglass prescription often, but does not seem to help.
Some may even notice the cataract. This looks like a milky or yellowish spot on the pupil. The center of the eye is normally black.
Cataracts can’t be cured with medications, dietary supplements, exercise or optical devices. The only effective treatment for cataracts is surgery to remove the clouded lens. More than 2.7 cataract surgeries are performed each year. Normally this is an outpatient procedure with minimal pain. During surgery the clouded lens is removed and implanted with a clear new artificial lens. This lens is permanent and does not require replacement or cleaning.
Even though cataracts are a normal part of aging, there are certain factors that increase your risk significantly.
Ultraviolet lights- It is so important to wear a good pair of sunglasses with protective coating.
Other risk factors include eye injury, diabetes, family history of cataracts, previous eye surgery, prolonged use of corticosteroids, exposure to ionizing radiation, and smoking.
You can reduce the risk by not smoking and avoiding tobacco smoke, eating a balanced diet, protecting yourself from the sun, staying on top of your health problems and getting your eyes checked regularly. It’s important to have your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist every four years after age 40, and at least every other year after age 65. If you experience any signs or symptoms of a cataract, visit your eye doctor right away.
We may not be able to prevent cataracts but we can sure try to prolong them. Let us all see clearly, have your eyes checked during the month of June.
Interim Healthcare


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