Wednesday , July 3 2024


Care While Traveling After Total Knee and Hip Replacements

Hip Replacement

By Sergio Martinez, DO, AOA, AOAO Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it requires careful planning and consideration, especially for individuals who have undergone total knee and hip replacements. While traveling can be beneficial for post-operative recovery and mental well-being, it is essential to prioritize safety, comfort, …

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Lasene Therapeutic Light Therapy: Illuminating the Path to Health and Well-being

Lasene Therapeutic Light

Lasene represents an innovative advancement in Therapeutic Light Treatments, merging cutting-edge technology with proprietary treatment protocols to address chronic pain and enhance the quality of life for individuals suffering from Parkinson’s disease, sleep disorders, executive function decline, and other neurological degenerative conditions. Through extensive research and development, Lasene has become …

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Bidets and Japanese Culture: Revolutionizing Personal Hygiene


Personal hygiene is an integral part of our daily routine, and various cultures worldwide have developed unique practices to ensure cleanliness and comfort. One such practice that has gained global attention is the use of bidets. Originating in Japan, bidets have become an essential aspect of personal hygiene and offer …

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Developing Social Communication in Children

Developing Social Communication

Innovative Therapies Group A child’s expressive vocabulary grows rapidly from the time of his first word at approximately 12 months, through first grade. Did you know that the average 2 year old uses over 200 words growing to 1000 words by age 3 years to over 1600 words by age …

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Stepping Towards Vein Health: The Vitality of Footwear

Vein Health

When it comes to maintaining our overall health, we often focus on regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. However, we often overlook the significance of proper footwear in maintaining optimal vein health. The health of our veins plays a crucial role in circulation and overall well-being. In this …

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Prostate Cancer: An Advanced Technique Saves Lives

Prostate Cancer

One of the leading health concerns for men is prostate cancer. Over the last thirty years, the way most medical practitioners check for prostate cancer hasn’t changed very much, and unfortunately, this has led to higher statistics of men being underdiagnosed. There are approximately 2.9 million men in the U.S …

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EPA & DHA: How to Decipher the Omega-3 Alphabet Soup


By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD It’s easy to get lost in the alphabet soup of the omega-3 fatty acid world. Acronyms like EPA and DHA represent just two members of the large omega-3 family – and even that’s enough to give consumers and health practitioners alike a headache. But what do …

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Weathering the Storm – Preparing Your Home and Family for Hurricane Season

Weathering the Storm

By Sharon A. Bassett Living in Central Florida means being well-acquainted with the potential risks of hurricane season. As nature’s fury can strike unexpectedly, it’s crucial to proactively prepare your home and family for such emergencies. By taking the necessary steps to fortify your residence and creating a comprehensive disaster …

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