Wednesday , July 3 2024


Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy Helps Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder and unfortunately, affects nearly 1 million Americans. The average onset of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is around 60 years of age. Approximately 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with PD each year and 15% of those are under the age of 50, which is called “young-onset.” Although …

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Are you Still Contemplating Moving to The Villages, Florida? WHAT Are You Waiting For?

Contemplating Moving to The Villages

By Amanda Fincher Are you tired of shoveling snow and freezing as soon as you climb out of your bed and put your feet on the cold floor? Perhaps you want a retirement lifestyle that is social, lively and full of outdoor activities with good friends. The Villages, Florida is …

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The Art of MRT

The Art of MRT

By Alexander C. Frank, DC, DACNB, FABES Did you know that with muscle testing you can pose questions to the body and the body can answer? Muscle Response Testing (MRT)/Kinesiology is an assessment technique which enables the physician to localize areas of the body that are operating less-than optimally. MRT …

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Tips for Relieving Chronic Dry Eye Symptoms

Chronic Dry Eye

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD From saline eye drop solutions to topical lubricants, Americans spend an astounding $3.8 billion on dry eye symptom relief every year. Not only are many of these treatments inconvenient and uncomfortable to apply, but often the results are also disappointing. Current research suggests that chronic inflammation is …

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What You Need to Know About Your IMMUNE SYSTEM

By Sheryl Hensel As long as your immune system is running smoothly, you don’t even notice it’s there or think about what it’s doing. What happens when it doesn’t work properly? Diseases like Colorectal Cancer, Endometriosis, Kidney Disease, Vision Impairments, and Brain Disorders to name a few start to set …

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Neuropathy? Or is it?


Dr. Brent Carter These days we hear more and more about neuropathy. People often attribute all their foot ailments to neuropathy: Burning, Tingling, Numbness, and Pain to name the most common but also loss of balance, swelling, and weakness. The truth is that many of these symptoms can indeed be …

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Diabetes and Eye Disease Monitoring is Key to Vision Preservation

Diabetes and Eye Disease

Diabetes can lay the groundwork for a group of eye diseases, and awareness is instrumental in protecting vision from these stealthy conditions. While none are curable, they can be managed successfully, preventing, delaying and reducing the vision loss and impairment these untreated conditions can cause. Diabetic Retinopathy The high sugar …

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Include Good Nutrition in Your Meal Planning

Good Nutrition

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, boosting your immunity is more important than ever. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people who have a well-balanced, nutritious diet tend to be healthier and have a stronger immune system with a lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. …

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By Dr. J. Mandume Kerina Dr. Kerina and his colleagues have spent their professional life studying how to combat the effects of arthritis. They have helped develop advanced surgical techniques to reliably help to revitalize your life. This has culminated in our current opioid free joint replacement program. The overuse …

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Lower Your Cholesterol with these Tasty Tips

Lower Your Cholesterol

High cholesterol can become a problem at almost any age, but our risk for developing it increases as we get older. For women, high cholesterol can especially become a problem after menopause. Luckily, there are some easy ways to prevent high cholesterol or help lower it right in your kitchen. …

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