Wednesday , July 3 2024


Shining a Light on Thyroid Health: Thyroid Awareness Month

Thyroid Health

By Elizabeth Mello, Executive Director As January unfolds, so does Thyroid Awareness Month—a dedicated time to illuminate the often overlooked but crucial aspect of our well-being, the thyroid gland. Nestled discreetly in the neck, this butterfly-shaped organ plays a pivotal role in regulating metabolism, energy levels, and overall health. Despite …

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Katie Keel – Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner

Katie Keel

We made it to the first month of the New Year! If you had resolutions last year and kept them – good for you! If you never made a resolution and need an idea – consider the 44% of Americans for the 2023 New Year who made a pledge to …

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Glaucoma: What You Need to Know

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, the perfect time to raise awareness for this sight-stealing disease. Nearly all of us begin to experience some vision changes as we age, even if it’s just having to rely on a cheap pair of readers from the grocery store. In order to remain independent …

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Keeping Bones and Joints Happy Through Active Living in 2024

Bones and Joints

By Dr. Nam Dinh, MD, FAAOS In an era where health takes center stage, prioritizing the well-being of your bones and joints is paramount. The new year serves as the perfect launching pad to embrace an active lifestyle that fosters strength, flexibility, and resilience within your skeletal structure. As we …

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Understanding Glaucoma and Advanced Treatments for Retinal, Macular, and Vitreous Disorders

Understanding Glaucoma

Thomas G. Ward, D.O. Glaucoma stands as a silent threat to vision, stealthily encroaching on one’s eyesight without noticeable symptoms until it reaches advanced stages. It’s a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, often due to elevated pressure within the eye. As a leading cause of irreversible …

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The 72 Hour Crisis

By Janice Martin, Owner of Senior Liaison of Central Florida It is completely understandable that we wish to remain in our homes rather than moving to senior living. Our home is our sanctuary where we are protected from the dangers and uncertainty of the outside world. It’s where we (mostly) …

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New Year, New Health: Turning Resolutions Into Reality

Resolutions Into Reality

By Elisha Lopez As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with open arms, many of us embark on a familiar journey—setting New Year’s resolutions. It’s a time-honored tradition, a chance to hit the reset button and strive for positive change. While resolutions may span …

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An Easy New Year’s Resolution: Create Your Advance Directive

Advance Directive

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County Each year, many people make New Year’s resolutions; some include making healthier decisions about their diet, while others are about exercising, traveling and more. Some are kept and some not so much. There’s one resolution that’s easy to keep – deciding to have a …

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The Power of Physical Therapy: Maximizing Recovery Through Proactive Care

Undergoing orthopedic surgery involves more than just the procedure itself. A crucial aspect that often goes unrecognized is the role of physical therapy both before and after surgery. Did you know that engaging in physical therapy sessions prior to your surgery can significantly impact your recovery? It’s a common misconception …

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Weight Loss and Physical Therapy

Weight Loss

Here we are in a brand-new year and many of us are thinking about the goals we want to set as we start 2023. The majority of New Year’s resolution made by Americans revolve around health and weight loss. Sadly, less than half of those who make such resolutions will …

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