Wednesday , July 3 2024


The Joy of the Holidays Can Also Bring Depression And Anxiety: What You Can Do


The holidays are one of the most joyous times of the year, but they can also be one of the most stressful. We look forward to spending time with our families, celebrating and reflecting on the end of another year, but all of the extra activity and social interactions can …

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This Holiday Season, Give Yourself the Gift of Mental Health

Holiday Season

Staying healthy doesn’t stop with your annual checkup. And prioritizing your mental well-being is just as important as supporting your physical health. Mental well-being is an overall positive and hopeful emotion, fueled by a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life. Mental well-being also means being able to adapt to …

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Tips to Stay Active & Take the Appropriate Precautions This Holiday Season

When we think of the holiday season, we typically visualize family dinners, lasting memories, and some relaxation, and we look forward to a peaceful experience. After all, holidays are a time to get away from our stress-filled lives and visit family and friends. In reality, these things hold true, but …

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Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is the 10th most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, accounting for about 3% of all cancers and 7% of all cancer deaths, according to the American Cancer Society. Due to various factors, the disease is difficult to detect at an early stage, when it is more …

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Are You a Candidate for a Lung Cancer Screening?

Lung Cancer Screening

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, highlighting the country’s leading cause of cancer death. Though it may not get as much attention as other cancers, lung cancer accounts for a startling 23% of all cancer deaths. The American Cancer Society estimates that at the close of 2022, the US will …

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November – National Healthy Skin Month

Healthy Skin Month

By Hope Allen, PA-C Happy National Healthy Skin Month everyone! What do you think of when you picture “healthy” skin? When I think of healthy skin, I think of the first time I held my niece and nephew. I remember looking down at their little fingers and toes, those big, …

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Care for Caregivers This Holiday Season

“In the unlikely event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure — please secure your own oxygen mask first before assisting others around you.” We hear these instructions each time we fly. The point is you won’t be able to help others if you are struggling to breathe yourself. But …

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The Effects of Diabetes on Your Kidneys

According to the CDC, as many as 1 in 3 diabetes patients suffers from chronic kidney disease (CKD). In fact, the most frequent cause of chronic kidney disease is diabetes. This is because people with diabetes have high blood sugar levels which cause damage to the kidneys and leads to …

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Breast cancer. Let’s start with the good news!

A cancer diagnosis of any type is frightening, but for women, breast cancer is especially scary. Increasingly, there is good news when it comes to breast cancer. Breast cancer death rates have decreased steadily in the past 20 years, thanks to better screening and early detection, increased awareness, and continuous …

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Buying a Home in Uncertain Economic Times

By Sharon A. Bassett The House Price Index is a measure of the movement of the single-family home process in the United States. This Index is is obtained by reviewing repeat mortgage transactions on single-family properties whose mortgages have been purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac since …

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