Monday , July 22 2024


Unpacking the Benefits of Omega-3s for Anxiety

By Bo Martinsen, MD How much omega-3 should you take daily? For those interested in the benefits of omega-3s for anxiety, one new study suggests a higher dose than you might expect. The study, published in JAMA Network Open in September, found that omega-3s helped reduce the symptoms of anxiety; however, …

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RAO’s Dynamic Duo of Women’s Imaging

What’s missing at most women’s imaging centers? Women doctors, who provide a personal and compassionate approach to women’s diagnostic care. That’s why RAO is proud to introduce Dr. Amanda Aulls, a subspecialist in diagnostic radiology and breast imaging and the Medical Director of Women’s Imaging at RAO, and Dr. Janet …

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Microneedling Leaves Skin Feeling Healthy, Looking Rejuvenated

Microneedling has taken the world by storm in recent years (even though it has been around for over 50 years). Traditionally, it was a go-to therapy for dermatologists treating facial scars, but its popularity skyrocketed when medical spas nationwide began expanding its use to include a host of skin renewal …

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This Year’s Flu Season Is Upon Us: Get Vaccinated Now

Although many people refer to the “flu” as other ailments like a stomach virus or sinus infection, influenza is a highly contagious upper respiratory illness. Getting vaccinated against the virus is imperative, and getting the vaccination early will help to stave off your chances of becoming infected before you get …

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Weather Can Cloud Your Health – The effects of cold weather on your body

Florida’s population increases significantly during the winter months. A bulk of this population is northerners trying to dodge the colder temperatures. A drop in temperature can affect your health, no matter how cold. Research shows that cold weather can affect your heart, your skin, your immune system and your joints. While …

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Substance Abuse & Long Term Oral Health

Drug abuse is associated with serious oral health problems including generalized dental caries, periodontal diseases, mucosal dysplasia, xerostomia, bruxism, tooth wear, and tooth loss. Oral health care has positive effects in recovery from drug abuse: patients’ need for pain control, destigmatization, and HIV transmission. Health care systems worldwide deliver services for …

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Five Myths and Facts About the Flu

Dr. Mayrene Hernandez, chief medical officer for UnitedHealthcare Florida, explains why getting a flu shot now is important As the holidays approach, so starts the annual flu season. While flu – or influenza – is most serious for older Americans and people with certain chronic conditions, influenza can affect people of …

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Cardiac Sign & Symptoms for Men and Women: Knowing More Could Save Your Life

The Holiday season is upon us, and with all of the festivities, we should be well reminded that this time of year can literally put a great deal of stress on our hearts. Since heart disease is still the leading cause of death in both men and women, what better time …

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7 Tips for Self-Care During the Holidays

The holidays are intended for families and special friends to come together and celebrate. Unfortunately, commercialism at times invokes much more stress than pleasure during this time of year. Ev’ents and parties have us rushing, healthy diets are tossed aside and our sleep patterns are often overlooked. For many this …

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When Gallbladders Attack

Most people live their whole lives without thinking twice about their gallbladder. Anyone who has had a gallbladder attack, on the other hand, will never forget theirs. What is the gallbladder? How do you know if it’s acting up? What can you do about it? This article summarizes everything you …

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