Wednesday , July 3 2024

Pasco/ N Tampa

How Hearing Loss and Other Hearing Related Disorders Can Affect Your Health

It’s hard to believe that it’s 2020, and with the new year comes ample time for change and self-direction for our lives and our health. If you suffer from hearing or balance disorders, it’s time that you get the appropriate treatment to live your life free from lack of communication, ringing …

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Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help with the Symptoms of Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is an infectious disease with a worldwide impact, caused by the tick-carried Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium.1 Deer ticks carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. If bitten by a deer tick that has the bacteria, a red rash will quickly appear and it’s often in a bull’s-eye pattern. The …

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A New Year, A New Way!

Every New Year, millions of individuals set goals for themselves, and if we’re honest, those usually include weight loss. How many times have you started the new year with great ambition, only to fall short just a few weeks later? You’ve tried the old, traditional ways in the past, but it’s …

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Orthopaedic Health in the New Year

The start of a new year is always an exciting time. If you are considering making an improvement in your health goals for 2020, congratulations! Not only does exercise help us feel better, improve our cardiovascular fitness and help us maintain a healthy body weight, but it can also help with …

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Reducing Your Risk of Cancer

Diet, exercise and getting recommended screenings are some of the ways to lessen your risk of getting cancer. As we begin the new year, many of us will make resolutions to get healthier. Even though most Americans know that we should make healthy choices, such as quitting smoking, protecting skin …

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You’ve Heard of CBD, But What About CBG?

At this point, we’ve all heard our friends, neighbors, celebrities, and even medical practitioners touting CBDs multiple benefits and how it’s helped them with pain, anxiety, cognitive functioning, and the list goes on and on. High-quality hemp, which has all of the THC extracted, is higher in CBD, which also makes …

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It’s a New Year! Are you Planning to Continue to Ignore Your Voice Changes?

By Michael Branch, MD Voice Changes Can Be a Sign of Health Risks Changes in a Person’s Voice Shouldn’t be Ignored. Minor hoarseness from a cold or allergies is normal but if the voice changes last for more than three weeks it’s time to make a doctor’s appointment. Being proactive …

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His Gift

By Jodi Thomas I was talking with a group of friends back in November, and they all were counting down the days until the Christmas season. When I mentioned that I didn’t really like Christmas, my words did not compute; it was like I told them I liked to kill …

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Who Is Arthur Itis?

By Al Roach As a child visiting my grandparents, I often heard my Granddad Jack refer to Arthur Itis. Although I never met the man, I knew that my granddad really didn’t like him. Several years later I learned that Arthur was not a man that my granddad complained about, …

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Health, Wealth and Heroes

As a child, our heroes are usually fictional characters like Superman, Batman, or Spiderman. They leap tall buildings in a single bound and fight villains with incredible power and strength. Best of all, they swoop in to help someone in need, just when all hope is lost. As we grow older, …

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