Monday , March 31 2025


Submitted by Hospice of Marion County

Death can happen anyone at any age. It can be a sudden accident or anticipated over a long period of time due to a critical illness. Coping with grief during the holiday season is especially difficult.

There’s a song about the holidays being “the most wonderful time of the year.” However, for those facing the imminent death or already grieving the loss of a loved one, this time of year can be hard as not only are they navigating the season without their loved one but lost traditions and celebrations.

Grief experts in hospice and palliative care organi­zations understand how difficult this time of year can be and are available to assist grieving families now or any time throughout the year. Especially during the holiday season they recommend making decisions the grieving person feels is right for them. Here are some tips:

• Be willing to change traditions by creating new rituals to help lessen the pain and loss; find new ways of celebrating the holiday while remembering them.
• Help reduce stress by prioritizing and focusing on projects that bring you joy; pare down the gift list and cards that get sent, or let someone else cook and host the dinner.
• Share stories about your loved one around the table.
• Consider that children grieve differently than adults; you may want to do something special with your child to help remember the loved one lost.
• Remember those who have died in a meaningful way that honors them; volunteer with an organization special to them or donate to their favorite charity.
• Make a plan, but stay Oexible and remember you shouldn’t feel pressure to do anything you’re not comfortable doing.
• Take time for yourself; be sure to include self-care in how you spend your holidays.

Focusing on the positive memories and remember­ing the life shared with friends and family can help you cope. Hospice of Marion County is hosting Keeping the Holidays Light on Thursday, December 18 at 1:00 pm at the Elliott Center, 3231 SW 34th Avenue, 1n Ocala. This free event is offered to remember those who filled our lives with love and light. It’s an interactive grief workshop that includes creating a permanent memento in honor of your loved one using the photos you bring. RSVP to reserve your space by calling {352) 873-7456.

Grief is a process that takes time. Having a wide range of emotions is normal and different for everyone. Sharing your feelings with others can help you process your emotions and cope.

The Monarch Center for Hope and Healing, a program of Hospice of Marion County, provides grief counseling at no charge for Marion County residents. This service is provided by trained professionals and offers counseling sessions to children, teens and adults, individuals or groups. Everyone will eventu• ally experience the loss of a friend or loved one and the Monarch Center grief counselors are there to help guide you through your grief journey. Visit to learn more or call {352) 873-7456 to schedule an appointment.

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