Thursday , March 13 2025

If You Plan to Get IV Wellness Infusions, You Need to Ask Questions for Your SAFETY

If You Plan to Get IV Wellness Infusions, You Need to Ask Questions for Your SAFETYIV Nutrition may be able to help you achieve better health and recovery from illness, but all IVs are not created equal. This depends on many factors which include the following:
• Quality of nutrients (where they came from)
• Specific nutrients in mix
• Fluid used to dilute the nutrients
• Type of delivery tubing
• Combination of nutrients (many products are not compatible)
• Speed in which the mixture is administered
• Correct combination of nutrients that are specific for your condition
If you think that’s complex—Your right! And like any medication that you’re given you want to make sure that what you’re receiving is not only safe, but it ensures efficacy for your specific condition.
History & Examination
Before you allow just anyone to inject you with invasive infusions, It’s important to point out that an ethical physician would require a history and physical and a certain amount of blood diagnostic studies to tailor your treatment. Why is this important? You’ll need to be given the right nutrients for your condition and making sure that they don’t give you something that may be harmful or even dangerous. Just because something is labeled a vitamin or mineral and it does have a much larger safety margin doesn’t mean that individually or in combination with other nutrients it doesn’t have potentially harmful effects. Every one of our cells in the human body requires certain levels of nutrients to perform properly.
RISKS Involved
When an overabundance of one specific nutrient in absence of another occurs, a similar situation is created equivalent to a disease entity. Basically, the wrong nutrients for your body can make you sick. IV nutrients need to be made in a sterile environment, with the different components at room
temperature. IV nutrient bag should never be made prior to your visit to the clinic, because the pH and energy of the nutrients, alone could leach dangerous phthalates from the plastic bag holding the liquid Material. The material in the bag should have no precipitates and the Ph (acid-base balance), too high or too low. If either of these parameters are inappropriate, it could mean that the solution could cause inflammation of your vein or even worse. A precipitate introduced into a patient can act like an embolism and could cause either a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, always make sure the solution is totally clear without any material in it.
ONLY Licensed Medical Practitioners
The nutrient formula prepared for you should be done under the most sterile circumstances, that means both the mixing of the bag and the placement of the catheter into your vein. And also make sure that the person who has made your bag and the one that puts in your IV, holds an active R.N. License in your state. No one should give you an I.V. without a Physician, PA or Nurse Practitioner, first reviewing your lab work and adapting the IV to your specific needs.
Slow Flow Matters!
In intravenous nutrition, speed is not your friend, and the real truth about IV nutrition is that the slower you give a solution, the more likely it is to have a positive effect on you. Doctors often offer a fast IV like a Myers cocktail which was the only type of IV we had years ago. That old formula has been replaced with much better and superior types of intravenous combinations that can help many disease entities in so many different ways.
What You Should Know
• Medical training
• How many IVs have they given?
• Did a doctor review an extensive group of lab tests on you before they
decided what IV to give you?
• Are there RN’s mixing and administering your IV?
• Are you scheduled for follow up labs, reviews and IV changes?
• If you get chills, pains, aches, shortness of breath, chest pain, blurry vision, inflammation anywhere, fevers, calf pains or simply don’t feel well after your IV; STOP the treatments
• Was your IV made when you arrived?
• Is the IV clear with no sediment in it?
• You’re an Intelligent person, so DON’T take an IV after a workout, or when your hung-over without appropriate labs, as it can result in and serious side effects that can wreak havoc on your health.
• Does your IV bag have a label on it that clearly states your name, concentration and volume of the solution, date and time of initiation of this IV, expiration date of the solution, the lot numbers if applicable and the prescribed rate of administration?
• The rate of administration should be no more than four ML’s per minute; the typical connector tubing delivers one drop per second, which under normal circumstances yields 4 ml per second. Not sure? ASK!
• Is the IV protected from light wrapped in aluminum foil or a dark color bag? If not, the common ingredient Vitamin C losses potency very quickly.
Why pay for something you’re not getting?
• And IV that’s running properly at the correct rate should be comfortable with little or no pain. Any pain at the IV site requires immediate attention!
• If you have coronary artery disease, kidney disease, high oxalic acid, heart failure or liver disease, your IV may have to be adjusted significantly.
IV nutrition holds so much promise for helping people reach their optimal health. Anyone can just throw some nutrients in a bag; the real challenge and necessity is to make the solution customized for you!
For Trusted Healthcare, Call the Doctors of Physical Medicine Center today at 813-978-0020.
Physical Medicine Center, Inc.
14522 University Point Place
North Tampa, Florida 33613

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