Many Disease States Are Caused By This Small, Yet Dangerous Disorder
Robert Martinez, DC
The human body contains approximately 100 trillion cells. Each of these cells relies on energy and ATP to correctly metabolize, communicate with other cells and keep organs and tissues in a healthy state. Proper functioning and flow of oxygen and nutrients is key to keeping our cells vital. When these areas are inhibited, that’s when fatigue, disorders, depleted immune systems, and disease form in our bodies.
When we hear about the vascular system, we think of the heart, arteries and blood vessels, but new research is proving that the microcirculatory system is just as important, as macrocirculation.
The microvasculature (microcirculatory) system is made up of our tiniest blood vessels. This small map work of arterioles, capillaries, metarterioles, and venules are all connected, and they each have a specific role to play within our vascular structure. Whether it’s removing waste, disseminating hormones, feeding our microcirculatory system, or taking in nutrients, these microvessels are of extreme importance in our general wellbeing. These attributes also include a significant emphasis on our cardiac health.
In addition to the basics like eating a nutritious diet, exercising and cutting back, or eliminating any harmful habits (like smoking), there are additional supplements that can boost your circulatory system and your health’s, including your heart and vascular structures.
Because our hearts are not only pumping blood through our arteries but also greatly rely on the microvessels to remove waste, provide circulation, distribute nutrients and hormones, among other tasks, it’s critical to maintain a properly functioning unit of our microvasculature system. Improving circulation is crucial.
Microcirculatory Deficiency Can Lead To:
• Diabetes
• Neuropathy
• Arthritis
• Autoimmune Disease
The newest breakthrough theory in cardiovascular health appears to make a lot more sense. This theory, which is becoming more and more accepted by alternative health experts, is that arterial blockages form where the minute microcirculation blood vessels that feed the main arteries with oxygen and nutrients, shut down. When these extremely small blood vessels, called vasa vasorum, (from Latin—vessels of the vessels) become clogged and can no longer feed an artery, atherosclerotic lesions or atherosclerotic plaques can form.1
What Can You Do?
1. Exercise daily to increase the blood flow through the microvessels and raise the oxygen in the blood. This improved circulation will revive the body’s own natural healing process.
2. Improve peripheral flow and remove toxins with foods, nutrients, and herbs:
• Garlic
• Ginger
• Leafy Greens
• Lean proteins
• Omega 3 fatty acids
• Cayenne
• Elderberry
• Cinnamon
• Horse Chestnut
• Frankincense
• Resveratrol
• Gotu Kola
• Ginko Biloba
• Rosemary
3. Visit an Alternative Functional Medicine Specialist like Dr. Martinez of Health & Wellness of Central Florida. His services include:
• Chiropractic Care
• Massage Therapy
• Functional Medicine
• Spinal Decompression
• Auto Accidents treatment
• Neuropathy
• And more
1. Staub D, Schinkel AF, Coll B, Coli S, et al. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging of the vasa vasorum: from early atherosclerosis to the identification of unstable plaques. JACC Cardiovascular Imaging. 2010 Jul;3(7):761-71.
Robert Martinez, DC
Dr. Bob has a heart to connect with his patients and help them achieve their greatest health. When Dr. Bob was just 24 years old, he suffered a neck injury after being in a motorcycle accident. Though medical doctors recommended surgery to repair the damage, a friend suggested he try chiropractic.
After receiving care, he was amazed at how much better he felt, and how his body had healed and regenerated itself without medical intervention. He didn’t know it at the time, but this experience with chiropractic care would later inspire him to pursue the same work.
To schedule an appointment,
please call 813-749-7548.
17937 Hunting Bow Cir., Ste. 101, Lutz FL 33558
813-749-7548 |
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