Friday , March 14 2025

It’s Time to Schedule Your Gynecological Wellness Visit

By Parveen Vahora, M.D.

Gynecological WellnessUnfortunately, most of us find it easy to put things off and procrastinate. Studies and research show that during the pandemic and even after the initial shutdowns when patients were encouraged to make appointments to visit their physicians and not to put off screenings any longer, the numbers were not there like they were in pre-pandemic mode. Due to the pandemic many cancers are being delayed in identification. It’s important to schedule your wellness visit if it overdue.

According to Cancer Health, NBCCEDP screening volume began to recover in May, but it remained well below pre-pandemic levels. At the end of June 2020, the number of breast cancer screenings was 39% below the five-year average for that month while cervical cancer screenings were off by 40%. Recovery was particularly slow in rural areas: breast cancer screenings in June were still 50% below the five-year average.

Like many diseases, early diagnosis of cervical and breast cancer are critical for survival and optimal treatment outcomes.

Cervical Cancer
An in-office standard pap test can detect cervical cancer. If it’s caught early (with regular exams), the treatment can often be accomplished in the gynecologist’s office. Symptoms are not always noticed or evident, but some are listed below; however, these may not present until the cancer has proliferated or spread.

• Abnormal menstrual bleeding
• Bleeding after intercourse
• Bleeding after menopause
• Pain during sex
• Pelvic Pain
• Spotting
• Vaginal discharge
• Back Pain

The HPV vaccine is highly recommended for young women to prevent the HPV virus that causes cervical and genital cancers.

HPV Facts & Treatment
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most significant risk factor for developing cervical cancer. HPV is made up of 150 viruses and can infect the cells of the cervix and spreads through sexual encounters, as well as be passed down through childbirth. Other risk factors that exacerbate or lead to cervical cancer are a weakened immune system, smoking, chronic infections, having a child in your teenage years, and having multiple full-term pregnancies.

There are little to no signs or symptoms of cervical cancer and other genital cancers, so the most proactive way to prevent these cancers from growing is to have regular pap smears on a routine basis. The test results will show positive signs of cancer or precancerous lesions. In the gynecologist’s office, they can do a simple test to see where the cervical cancer is and can evaluate its severity. Usually, if caught early enough, the cancerous lesions can be removed right in the comfort of the office.

Your Wellness Visit
Dr. Vahora can identify any concerns such as heavy bleeding pelvic pain, menopausal symptoms, low libido, and pain with intercourse. If you have a family history of cancer, genetic testing can be offered. These conditions can be further worked up, and custom-tailored procedures and treatment options can be addressed to meet your specific needs. We can also identify if you have vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) or pain with intercourse and talk about treatment options including to see if you are a candidate for the MonaLisa Touch® treatment.

MonaLisa Touch®
Now it’s possible to have relief from vulvovaginal atrophy due to the MonaLisa Touch’s® ability to gently improve the tissue of the vulvar and vaginal mucosa. No medications, no cutting, no lengthy healing times: This innovative laser therapy is for VVA. It’s quick, efficient, and can be safely performed in the comfort and privacy of Dr. Vahora’s office. With this treatment, women no longer have symptoms of dryness, pain, itching, or irritation. Women can enjoy intimacy once again. The MonaLisa Touch® treatment also helps urinary symptoms such as incontinence and urgency.


Contact us today to schedule an appointment at or during office hours call (727) 376-1536 or text (813) 548 4412.

To find out more, please visit or email

Parveen Vahora, M.D.
Dr. Vahora specializes in pelvic pain and endometriosis and is passionate about educating fellow physicians and the community on these topics. She is fellowship trained in minimally invasive surgery. Another focus of hers is sexual health and she offers MonaLisa Touch® for patients who have issues from having children, going through menopause, as well as post-menopausal women, cancer survivors, and those suffering from pain during intercourse or intense dryness or incontinence or prolapse.

Continually participating in research in the field of gynecology, Dr. Vahora is also a professional speaker, educating health care practitioners on hereditary cancers, multimodal pain management options, dyspareunia due to vulvovaginal atrophy and SERM treatment, and many other gynecological concerns.

Dr. Vahora looks at the whole person when administering highly acclaimed treatments, not simply their symptoms. She is a woman gynecologist and is well¬-known in her community for her deep commitment to positive outcomes for her patients. Most importantly, her patients love her because she listens, and her care is highly effective because of that.




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