Friday , February 21 2025

Managing Diabetes Amidst the Coronavirus

By Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author

Coronavirus is here with reports that it may return this Fall. If you or a loved one has diabetes and/or heart disease, extra steps should be taken to remain healthy. Be safe, don’t panic, be cautious, be informed.

Thousands of people die from the influenza annually. And, thousands have died from the coronavirus. Consider steps to take great care during every flu, virus, and cold season.

People with diabetes are more likely have a weakened immune system, more so with poorly managed diabetes. A recent study related to patients with diabetes indicated a three times higher mortality rate than those without diabetes.

High blood sugar levels lower the body’s ability to fight infections. The immune cells don’t function as effectively which causes an increased risk.

Keeping your glucose levels as low as possible is important for a healthy immune system and to help heal. Illness can make your glucose erratic. Stress, worry or panic can contribute to high glucose levels.

Working to improve your immune system all year long will always give you a leg up when colds and viruses are around us so we can stave off or lessen the length of time and symptoms.

What Can I Do to Stay Healthy?
If you are a smoker, this is a good reason to refrain from smoking. The coronavirus appears to cause respiratory problems, smoking can worsen the issue.

Stay hydrated! This is the kind of virus that causes infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Drink water! The amount of water required really depends on your weight. For now, stay with the suggested 8, 8-oz. glasses per day and a little more if you are not feeling well. Herbal teas can be a good option.

COVID-19 and the flu virus can be contracted through oral and nasal passages. If we are not properly hydrated, the droplets from someone else’s cough or sneeze can transfer to these areas. The droplets can stay suspended which we can inhale. When the mucus membranes in our nose, mouth, or lungs are dry they cannot block the virus.

The stickiness of mucus helps to trap particles from the air, virus, pollution, and dust to be filtered out before it can reach the lungs. The increase of mucus (stuffy nose) is your body’s way of responding to irritants.

Avoid high sugar and sugar-free labeled drinks. Hot showers and the use of a humidifier may help improve conditions in your home.

So…. Stay hydrated!

Food is important. Because we may be less active during this time, don’t overeat. You may see your glucose levels spike. There is an exception to every rule ~ eating extra greens and veggies is usually no problem (not including potatoes/root vegetables).

Avoid grabbing those bags of chips and snacks from the grocery stores. Think about healthy foods that are going to give you nutrition. Please avoid those.

Be sure you are getting good rest; this is important to keeping a healthy immune system.

Because most facilities are closed get outside and get some fresh air, go for a walk. Having said that, if you see your neighbors, just wave and keep your distance. Remember, these precautions are just temporary. Or just go to your backyard or lanai.

No reason to be sedentary! Get yourself motivated to get up and move. Start slow, maybe 5-10 minutes 3 times per day. Remember if you stay healthy, you work to keep your family healthy. So, be a good example.

Take up activities to keep you from going stir crazy. The following examples may be great for you and your family to get through the COVID-19 season. Actually, these suggestions can be good for you and your family after we get through this.

• Read that book you’ve been putting off, read the Bible
• Use face time/video to read to your  grandchildren at bedtime

Exercise at home:
• Stretch – set a goal, if you can’t touch your toes today, by the time we get back to a normal life you should be able to.
• If you have a set of weights in your home… use them.
• Lean against the kitchen or bathroom counter to do pushups using your own weight (assuming you don’t have an issue with your shoulders) rather than getting down on the floor.
• Sit ups
• Walk up and down your stairs
• Do knee bends (use a chair or counter to keep you stable).
• If you are not so mobile, you can do exercises while sitting in a chair.
• Play your favorite music and sing! Have singing contests with your family members – you can do this over face time with your family members
at a distance.
• Since many churches are currently closed, some parishes post their services online or listen to other established TV sermons until your own church is open again.
• Learn something new! Go online and learn more about your favorite subject, learn a language, anything that interests you.
• Puzzles. When we were kids, we would put together puzzles with our grandparents. A great way to pass the time while creating.
• Meditate. Meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety and helps us put things in perspective.

There are a number of meditation apps available to download on your phone.

Download information on Food for Your Immune System, Supplements, and Homemade Cleaners and Disinfectants.

Need assistance in reducing your glucose and learning to keep it in a healthier range?
Visit for coaching and training information, to set a free 30-minute consultation, or to set up a speaking event
Call (888) 848-1763

Keep abreast of as information changes. The CDC offers a lot of information on what we can do to stay healthy.
“COVID-19: Extra caution needed for patients with diabetes”,
extra-caution-needed-patients-diabetes, March 17, 2020

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