Thursday , January 16 2025

New Year, New You, New Brain

New BrainWhile none of us can change our genetic makeup, we can change our lifestyle. Lowering inflammation levels in your body can also help lower inflammation in the brain. Eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly can not only stave off neurological disorders and cognitive decline, but it can also reverse some of the damage.

We know that eating highly processed foods that are full of chemicals we can’t pronounce is not healthy. No matter which diet selected for brain health, they all have one thing in common; they are plant-rich and devoid of toxins and excess sugar. Whether you prefer to eat Vegan, Mediterranean or Paleo, all of these diets include plants as the major source of nutri­ents and cut excess sugars. Limiting refined sugar is better for a healthy brain. Sugary diets can lead to obesity, which increases insulin resistance and produces inflammation within the brain and body.

Eating a diet high in sugar can reduce the production of a chemical called “brain-derived neurotrophic factor” (BDNF). This chemical is active in areas of the brain that are used for learning, memory and higher thinking. Low BNDF levels are associated with poor memory function and have been linked with Alzhei­- mer’s Disease and dementia. Ways to increase BDNF include regular exercise, especially higher intensity training.

Many studies are purporting the benefits of exercise to alleviate the onset or slow the progression of cogni­- tive decline. Many researchers agree that just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 4 to 5 times per week is known to improve cognition and can even increase blood flow in the brain.

While we still have a lot to learn about Alzheimer’s Disease, anyone can lower their risk factors by taking charge of their lifestyle. Eating right, staying active, and challenging your brain are all viable tools in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Preserving your cognitive health starts with the choices you make every day.

Sufficient Oxygen Intake
Everything in your body depends on the brain. It’s the command center of your body, and it craves oxygen. While it makes up only 2% of the body’s mass, the brain uses over 20% of the oxygen we breathe in. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing 100% pure oxygen in a special room known as a HBOT suite.

The air in the suite is pressurized to above atmo-­ spheric levels, which increases oxygen levels in the body to 10-15 times higher than normal.

HBOT Benefits
Numerous studies show that HBOT has neuroprotective and neurological regenerative effects on the brain, as well as numerous health benefits and reversal of many disorders. One new study out of Israel shows how HBOT assists the body with optimal aging by halting the cellular aging process.

Aviv HBOT is Unique
There are two key processes that make Aviv Distinctive:
• First, Aviv increases the oxygen level you breathe through a mask in the HBOT suite. As you breathe it in, your bloodstream sends this surplus of oxygen to tissue throughout your body, with a focus on the brain. While you breath the higher levels of oxygen, your brain is being challenged with cognitive training. Oxygen-saturated blood gives the brain the energy it needs to turbocharge its own healing process.

• Second, Aviv fluctuates the level of oxygen you breathe when inside the HBOT suite. This variation in oxygen supply triggers your body’s own regenerative mechanisms.

What does this do to my body?
Your body is capable of powerful natural rejuvenation. By combining these two steps, we’re essentially switching your rejuvenation processes on, while sup­ plying the body and brain with the abundant energy they need to complete them. By the end of your treatment program, you should see a significant improvement in your mental and physical performance and feel better inside and out.

About Aviv
Since 2017, Aviv Clinics at The Villages® has focused on healthspan—helping patients feel healthy, stay active, and enjoy the vitality of both mind and body. Aviv Clinics delivers a highly effective personalized protocol to enhance performance in the aging brain and body via the Aviv Medical Program.

Aviv’s unique, intensive program combines HBOT, physiology, nutrition, cognition and medical assessments. Based on over a decade of research and development, the Aviv Medical Program is individually tailored to you, helping you achieve new standards of performance in your brain and body.

Aviv Clinics at The Villages®
Aviv Clinics at The Villages® launched in collaboration with The Villages Health. Together, the shared vision is to help you enhance and nurture brain and body performance to ensure a continuously happy, vital and healthy life.

In Aviv’s three specialty wings, you’ll have access to the latest advancements in treating and improving cognitive and physical performance:

1. The Hyperbaric Wing with our state-of-the-art hyperbaric oxygen treatment suites

2. The Neurocognitive Wing for cognitive evaluation and training

3. The Physiological Wing for physiological assessment and therapy

Aviv Clinics has successfully combined the world’s most innovative treatment program for improving cognitive and physical performance, with the opportunity to experience the amazing lifestyle available to you in central Florida.

Focus on your health and let us take care of the rest!

Contact Aviv Clinics today at (352) 488-2848 or visit our website at for more information.




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