Thursday , October 24 2024

November is Healthy Skin Month

November is Healthy Skin MonthNovember is here! The American Academy of Dermatology has declared November as National Healthy Skin Month to raise awareness about the importance of keeping skin healthy all year-round. The AAD encourages patients to schedule checkups with their dermatologist and to review their skincare routines. Because your skin is your body’s largest organ, it is a key player in maintaining your immune system. It is very important to treat your skin as part of your overall health.
Dermatology Associates is celebrating this month by reminding you to take some time during this busy holiday season to take an extra-close look at your skin and day-to-day skincare regimen. There are many things you can do all year long to keep your skin healthy and protected.
Healthy Skin Solutions
Get checked out: The fall and winter months are some of the best times to get your skin checked simply because your skin is most likely at its palest, which helps your dermatologist spot any irregularities.
Remember the ABCDE’s of melanoma:
. Asymmetry – If you were to draw a line through your mole, would the sides match?
. Border – The borders of a mole should be solid and smooth not uneven or blurry.
. Color – Moles should be uniform in their color. Having a variety of colors could be a warning sign. . .
.Diameter – Moles are, for the most part, relatively small and should be less than the size of a pencil eraser.
. Evolving – Moles which have changed in size, color, or shape or have new symptoms such as itching, crusting, bleeding, or itching should be checked immediately.
Don’t skip out on sun protection: Just because summer is over doesn’t mean it’s okay to forget the sunscreen! Harmful UVA rays are year round, not just during the summer. UVA rays penetrate deeper and are considered the “aging” rays. Apply sunscreen every day and make it part of your daily routine.
Say NO to tanning beds: You may be tempted to lay in a warm tanning bed when the weather gets cooler, but avoid this potentially harmful temptation. Every year, more than 400,000 cases of skin cancer may be related to indoor tanning. Using a tanning bed can increase your risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer, as well as causing you to age faster, leading to wrinkles and age spots. A lot of people think tanning beds are safer than outdoor sun exposure, but this is not so. Consider using a self-tanner, which gives your skin a beautiful and natural looking glow as a healthy and safe alternative to tanning beds.
Treatments for your skin: This time of year is the best time to start in-office treatments such as chemical peels or laser treatments to repair damage done to your skin during those hot summer months. An exfoliating peel treatment promotes the shedding of old skin, which helps to brighten and restore your complexion just in time for the holidays. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is used to treat sun-induced damage on the face, neck, chest, and hands including brown pigmentation, age spots, redness, and broken blood vessels. It is safe, non-invasive and is customized to the individual patient’s skin.
From medical dermatology services to cosmetic procedures and treatments, our commitment is to restore and maintain the health of your skin.
“What to Look for: ABCDEs of Melanoma.” What to Look for: ABCDEs of Melanoma | American Academy of Dermatology,
“Indoor Tanning.” Dangers of Indoor Tanning | American Academy of Dermatology,

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