According to the statistics we as a nation are undoubtedly ensnarled in a malevolent tide of Narcotic dependence and abuse and it is irrefutable that this affliction must be controlled, curtailed and treated.
However, in the unrelenting efforts to stem this tide of abuse and stay within the purview of the narcotic laws, the health care providers thought has turned one dimensional and effort one directional. The pendulum of control has swung so far to one side that the health care providers sometimes completely overlook the medicinal benefit of this timeless remedy of the pain malady.
They blatantly deny pain relief to even those in their twilight and sunset years whom are in desperate need of their health care providers proves to pour with kindness into their wounds the balm of healing and comfort.
It is axiomatic that the laws are for the benefit and happiness of a society and not for infliction of pain or torture. Analogous to the speed limit on a road which is for every one’s safety and not a prohibition for motorist, laws on dispensing pain medicines is to prevent the pain of addiction and not as a hindrance to pain relief. Not everyone is a candidate for pain medicine and not everyone is an addict. The course of pain never runs smooth “and while the physicians must honor the need of their patients and do what is necessary the patients have to be educated about the proper usage, dependence and addiction potential of these medicinal products.
Dr. Khan is an Anesthesiologist specializing in pain management. He established his interventional practice in the Lakeland area in 1997.
Dr. Khan completed his surgical training at the Medical College of Ohio, Surgical & Anesthesiology at Stonybrook New York, Acute & Chronic Interventional Pain Management Fellowship at New York Medical College, and Critical Care Fellowship at USF.
He is Board Certified in Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Management.
During the last 15 years he has personally seen over 100,000 patients and performed over 50,000 different Interventional Pain procedures without complication and with good outcomes.
Please call (863) 682 – PAIN to schedule your appointment today!(863-682-7246)
Pain Medicine Incorporated
541 S. Florida Ave.
Lakeland, FL 33801
Phone: (863) 682 – PAIN
Fax: (863) 682 – 5566
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