Wednesday , July 3 2024

Tag Archives: featured

Inflammation: The Body’s Signal That Something Isn’t Quite Right!


We are hearing about inflammation more often in health and wellness circles, but what exactly is inflammation and how can we reduce it?  Inflammation is a process by which your body’s white blood cells and the things they make protect you from infection from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. …

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Blepharoplasty to Address Chronically Tired Eyes

We can feel happy, energetic and full of enthusiasm and have our eyes convey a message of haggardness, exhaustion and severity. Time and gravity can pull upper eyelids downward or create pouchy lower lids, creating a look of tiredness, confusion or even anger. Certainly that’s not how we want to …

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Make March Matter

Make March Matter

Food brings us together—whether sharing an intimate meal with a friend or celebrating a special occasion with family. And what better time to satisfy your appetite for connection with others, and for the most delicious food, than National Nutrition Month? Living well means seizing opportunities to connect with others, explore …

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Colon Cancer: Why are Numbers Increasing in Younger Patients?

colon cancer

By Martin Maldonado, MD, FACG The current guidelines for colonoscopy are recommended for anyone over 45 to get screened. Early colonoscopy prevents cases of colon cancer in those over the age of 45 due to education and efforts to remove polyps early on before they can proliferate and turn cancerous. …

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Polycystic Kidney Disease: What You Should Know

Polycystic Kidney Disease

By Ingrid Calliste, MD The fourth leading cause of kidney failure is called polycystic kidney disease and 600,000 people in the United State have the disorder. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) affects the kidneys with cysts that grow and are filled with fluid. These cysts can damage the kidneys, and essentially …

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An Innovative Procedure Can Alleviate Your Pain & Get You Off Medications GERD causes delayed emptying of the stomach acids and food, creating numerous symptoms, including esophageal burning, chest pains, and regurgitation. Along with discomfort and systemic health-related factors, acid reflux can adversely affect your lifestyle. There are over-the-counter and …

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Breaking Up Is Hard to Do – But It Can Make You Grow!

Breaking Up

by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS Ever noticed how people who’ve gone through a breakup often change their hair style? Well, if you’re like a lot of people, you may be more than happy to have “broken up” with 2021. And that makes this the perfect time to change – …

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What Most People Don’t Know About Health Imaging Exams

Health Imaging Exams

Millions of radiology exams are performed in the US every year, each telling a unique and important story. From simple x-rays to complex nuclear medicine studies, radiology plays a critical role in diagnosing diseases and disorders, planning effective therapy, and even replacing open surgery with safer, less invasive treatment. The …

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Robotic Technology Offers Precision for Surgeons, Fast Recoveries for Patients

Robotic Technology

Surgical robots have come a long way since they were first introduced in the mid-1980s. Fine-tuned through decades of research and development, they now feature high-tech arms with finger-like pincers for holding surgical instruments and cameras for enhanced vision, navigation and control. The surgical suites at Morton Plant North Bay …

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St. Anthony’s Robotic Technology Helps St. Petersburg Woman Become a Two-Time Cancer Survivor

Cancer is no stranger to Elaine Healy. “My mother died at 66 from lung cancer,” Healy, a St. Petersburg resident, said. “And I am a cancer survivor.” In 1999 when she was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, Healy was afraid because she didn’t know what the trajectory of the disease would …

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