Sunday , October 27 2024

Therapeutic Options to Improve Blood Circulation

Therapeutic Options to Improve Blood Circulation Blood circulation is one of the most important components of our overall health and well-being. When clinical symptoms begin to arise due to poor circulation it’s vital to seek preventative treatment options to avoid further complications. Common signs and symptoms that occur are fluid accumulation in a limb, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, thickening of the skin, pain or redness in affected limb. Blood circulation is driven by our heart which supplies our entire body with blood through the blood vessels. When the normal anatomy and function of our venous system has been disrupted that may to lead to conditions such as venous insufficiency and lymphedema.
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is when blood is unable to circulate from the lower limbs back to the heart. CVI is caused by incompetent valves and venous hypertension, in both parts of your venous system. The venous system is comprised of two parts, deep circulation and superficial circulation which are interconnected by perforating veins. Your venous system is an important component to delivering blood to the heart, then passing it through the lungs to obtain oxygen. The oxygenated blood is then delivered to the lower limbs.
Venous hypertension leads to secondary Lymphedema from the lymphatic system’s inability to keep up with an abnormally high demand of protein rich fluid. Lymphedema is chronic swelling from protein-rich fluid accumulation in the tissue. Lymphedema occurs secondary to CVI when the lymphatic system is obstructed causing damage, blockage, or abnormal development. Primary Lymphedema can be hereditary or congenital condition, where an individual is born with a compromised lymphatic system. Signs and symptoms of this condition may take years to manifest in an individual.
Risk Factors
Once your circulatory system has been obstructed leading to venous insufficiency or lymphedema this may lead to an interruption in the venous and lymphatic flow. Both diseases are manageable and treatable however there is no cure for either one. Risk factors may include
-Unknown swelling of a limb
-Family history
-Invasive surgical procedure i.e. radical cancer surgery
-Chronic open wounds
-Decreased mobility
-Infections such as cellulitis/ lymphangitis
-Skin changes such as discoloration or hardening
Therapeutic options: Compression Pump
Understanding the ongoing management of both venous insufficiency and lymphedema are important in preventing irreversible damage to the body. Compression therapy along with proper nutrition a healthy diet and exercise are the foundation of a treatment plan. Compression stockings are often difficult to get on with little results for chronic swelling. Diuretics may be harmful for long term treatment. Compression devices are widely recognized and highly effective treatment.
This is a safe and effective way to assist your body’s circulatory system in moving the excess fluid which has accumulated in the limb. A pneumatic compression device mimic’s the muscle contraction that naturally occurs when performing a cardiovascular activity. Compression Devices are a recognized treatment option by Medicare and many commercial insurers.
Wound Healing
Chronic wounds are a huge burden on patients as well as health care providers. With poor blood circulation our body’s ability to heal itself becomes less efficient. Compromised skin integrity from poor circulation will progress without treatment. At Acute Wound Care we provide patients with specialty dressings that heal the wound quickly and effectively direct to the home.
Remember it is important to seek treatment options to avoid further complications. The compression pump and specialty wound dressings are a therapeutic option recognized by Medicare and covered by many commercial insurers; Actual coverage varies with individual plans. Acute Wound Care, LLC is a highly focused local provider of wound products and compression pumps working with select area physicians highly versed in this condition. Our highly trained staff will assist you in finding the appropriate treatment that will offer you a better quality of life.
For more information and articles on this topic, Google “Acute Wound Care” or visit or call and speak with a specialist.
toll free 855-949-4325(HEAL)

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