Friday , March 14 2025

Treat & Prevent Diabetes with Exercise

Treat & Prevent Diabetes with ExerciseMany studies have proven that diabetes can effectively be treated and even prevented with regular exercise. We are all aware of the numerous health benefits of exercise but the one that could have the greatest impact on the healthcare system is the prevention and relief of diabetes. With the soaring number of new cases of diabetes being diagnosed it is imperative that we each do what we can to prevent becoming just another diabetic statistic.
There are two main types of diabetes: type I and type II. Type I occurs when the pancreas isn’t capable of producing enough insulin, or in some cases not producing any at all. Those with type I diabetes are generally required to take daily insulin injections in order to control glucose levels. Exercise and healthy living choices can prevent the onset of type I diabetes and eliminate the need for you to be dependent on insulin injections for the rest of your life.
The second, and most common type of diabetes is known as type II and effects approximately 90% of those diagnosed with diabetes. Type II is often referred to as adult onset diabetes. If you are suffering from the symptoms of type II it’s due to your pancreas not producing enough insulin to control blood glucose levels. It can also occur when your cells do not properly process the insulin that is produced; a condition commonly referred to as insulin resistance.
One of the most effective ways of dealing with insulin resistance is through exercise and good eating habits. A large number of people with this type of diabetes have excess weight. Therefore, weight control is pivotal in eliminating diabetes and insulin resistance. If you are not active, over-eat and become obese, you have a very high risk of being afflicted with type II. In most cases, simply adding in exercise, including both weight training and cardiovascular exercise, along with good eating habits is enough to prevent the onset of type II diabetes. Only in rare cases will proper nutrition and physical activity not work, requiring medication for control.
Exercise has a very positive effect on improving insulin sensitivity. In fact, nearly ninety percent of all people with this problem actually have type II diabetes, and exercise helps the body process glucose at a quicker rate, lowering any high blood sugar symptoms you may have. In short, exercise helps control blood glucose levels.
The intensity of your exercise session also plays a role. A more intense exercise program will help your body to utilize glucose quicker. However, high intensity does not mean faster. There is a difference.
Before beginning any type of exercise program, regardless of what type of diabetes you have, you should check with your doctor. There are many differences between exercise for different types of diabetes that you need to be aware of before starting.
There can be certain dangers resulting from injecting insulin just before you begin to exercise. One situation that can occur is the risk of hypoglycemia or insulin shock during the exercise session.
Here are some general rules to keep in mind when exercising if you have type I diabetes: allow for enough rest between weight training sets to avoid high blood pressure symptoms; avoid lifting heavy weights or going to failure on each set; when doing cardio, avoid high impact exercises such as running outside; always ensure that you have carbohydrates in your system before you start and a supply of them nearby as well. You may begin to feel shaky, disoriented, hungry, anxious or become irritable if you allow your blood sugar levels to get too low. Having a carbohydrate snack or drink nearby will help prevent these symptoms very quickly.
During your post-exercise recovery period, around three to five hours after you complete your exercise session, so-called diabetic diets can be beneficial. Diabetic diets should consist of a good amount of carbohydrates to prevent hypoglycemia.
Exercise has its greatest impact on people with type II diabetes because of its positive effects on insulin sensitivity. Proper exercise and sound nutritional habits work considerably well for type II diabetics.
Studies have shown that moderate exercise improves blood sugar levels by 10 to 20 percent.
Consistency is important, since exercise-induced decreases in blood sugar disappear after about seventy-two hours.
In general, the more you exercise, the greater will be the impact on diabetes. If you’re taking diabetes medications, talk with your doctor before changing your amount of exercise, as physical activity may reduce your need for medication. Otherwise, your blood sugar may get too low and you may become hypoglycemic.
Consistency is critical in the prevention of type II diabetes. You can’t expect to exercise now and then, and prevent it. You need to make exercise part of your life if it’s going to be effective.
10700 US Hwy 441, Suites 106, 107 & 108
Leesburg, FL 34748
16770 South hwy 441, Summerfield Fl 34491
2221 West County Rd 48, Bushnell, FL 33513

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