Friday , September 27 2024


Age-related Macular Degeneration A Common Cause of Vision Loss

February is Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) awareness month, and for good reason. AMD is one of the leading causes of serious and permanent vision loss in people ages 50 and older. As we age, oxidative stress can create cell-damaging free radicals that cause the macula, a tiny space near the center …

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Decreasing Your Cardiovascular Risks and lowering your Cholesterol

T.E. Vallabhan, MD, FACC February is heart awareness month, which reminds us to consider the fact that our heart health, risk factors and lifestyle are in our own hands. Since heart disease is still the leading cause of death in both men and women, what better way to understand and implement …

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When is a Valve Procedure Needed?

The Heart Institute at Leesburg Regional Medical Center has provided superior care for residents of Lake and Sumter Counties for 20 years. This includes comprehensive, individualized care for each patient and expert attention for cardiac or vascular conditions. Dr. Karen Thompson, a cardiothoracic surgeon with Leesburg Ocala Heart Institute and on …

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Good News for Smokers: LDCT Catches Lung Cancer Early

Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer death among Americans, and roughly 85% of cases are linked to long-term smoking. But we have important news: Low-Dose Computed Tomography, or LDCT, is an annual screening exam that can catch lung cancer while it is still tiny and localized, before …

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Healthy Aging: Choosing a Community that Offers a Variety of Options for Different Needs

As individuals age, not only do their bodies grow older, but also, their safety, health, and wellness requirements continually change. Living in a single-family home far away from relatives or loved Ones is acceptable in some situations, but it’s usually advantageous to be in a community with like-minded aging neighbors, …

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Case Results: Outstanding Cases Piccin & Glynn HaS Handled

By Katherine Piccin Glynn $52.0 Million Motor Vehicle Collision On February 27, 2017, a Marion County jury returned a verdict in favor of our clients for 52.0 million dollars. A second bad faith suit has been filed against the insurance company for the at-fault driver which should have settled our …

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Laser Vision Correction: Is it Right For You?

Are you tired of your glasses fogging up? Do you wish you could see while swimming, instead of removing your glasses or contact lenses? Do your glasses get in the way of your exercise routine, your social life, your appearance, or perhaps you are you tired of constantly changing your …

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A Spa-Like Environment for Patients

Anxiety and fear of pain keep many women from getting a mammogram. But imagine drifting off to a relaxing beach, a peaceful garden, or a captivating waterfall while modern and advanced imaging provides you a more comfortable experience and allows you to control the breast compression for your mammogram. All of this …

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Influenza, Colds, Stomach Bugs: Is it a Bacteria or Virus?

Many people are uncertain of the differences between bacterial and viral infections. It can be difficult to make the distinction, but it’s critical to know which microorganisms caused the illness because antibiotics fight bacteria but do not work against viruses. Therefore, if you treat a virus with an antibiotic, this …

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Is Binge-Watching TV Affecting Your Health? Tips on how to combat negative impacts while still getting your series fix

It used to be that our favorite TV shows came on only once a week, at a specific time. With streaming services, we can now watch many of those same shows whenever we choose — and for however long – we want. But if you sit down for just one …

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