Friday , September 27 2024


Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: Your Top 5 Questions Answered

1.    What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Nearly 5.2 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is expected to triple by 2050.  Experts estimate that an Alzheimer’s diagnosis will affect close to 15 million people by mid-century. Forgetfulness, agitation and frustration, social withdraw, and difficulty with daily tasks, are all symptoms …

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Should You Be Concerned About Eye Cancer?

Most of us know that melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer.  The reason we hear so much advice on wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, protective clothing, and avoiding over sun exposure between 10:00 am to 4 pm, is due in large part to the sun’s harmful UV rays when the …

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Ulnar Nerve Damage It’s Not Funny

Christopher Manseau M.D. You often hear people wincing in pain when they hit their “funny bone.”  The funny thing is that the so-called funny bone is neither a bone nor is it funny.  It’s actually the ulnar nerve that sits just behind the elbow and down into the back of the …

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Summertime Fun: Don't Skip Out On Your Dental Examinations

Now that summer is here, it’s the perfect time to schedule your yearly check ups.  You’ll face fewer crowds, easier appointment making, and a relaxed environment.  Even though, summertime means more vacations and weekend getaways, dental decay doesn’t take the time off too. So, what should you do if you’re …

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Nuclear Medicine Enabling Early Discovery & Treatment of Multiple Health Issues

Among the many reasons Radiology Associates of Ocala (RAO) has been a name associated with experience and trust throughout Central Florida for 45 years is RAO’s dedication to breakthrough technologies designed to discover disease in its earliest stages. One of the proven tools we use for rapid discovery is known …

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July is UV Safety Awareness Month

We all love to take in those warm summer rays, but everyone must remember to protect their skin and eyes from the damaging effects of the sun. The sun emits radiation known as UV-A and UV-B rays. Both types can damage your eyes and skin: • UV-B rays have short wavelengths …

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Alzheimer’s Disease and Cannabis

By Robert C. Goethe, MD Alzheimer’s disease a progressive deterioration of the brain and is one of the most frustrating diseases that medicine deals with. While we know a little bit about it, there is no way to prevent it and no cure has been found.  About one out of 10 …

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Tips for Safe Summer Travel with Pets

With warmer weather, people often spend more time on summer trips with family. These trips can be more enjoyable when your four-legged friends tag along, but it can be less of a vacation if your pets are uncomfortable on the road. “Taking pets out of their homes can induce stress on …

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Lymphatic Drainage by Be Well Holistic Massage

Lymphedema is a build-up of lymphatic fluid in the arms and legs, and it is usually a secondary issue that arises after cancer treatment or lymph node removal.   Lymphedema is a threatening disorder that needs to be treated by a certified lymphatic therapist, who is trained to properly massage the body …

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10 Steps to Help Prevent Cancer

Nearly 4 out of 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, and it remains the second-leading cause of death for Americans, but nearly half of all cancer cases can be prevented. Research from the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) shows that diet, exercise and weight play a …

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