Friday , September 27 2024


How Your Lung Health Affects Your Sleep

Sleep apnea affects more than 25 million people in the United States.  It is a progressive condition that interrupts breathing patterns throughout a person’s sleep.  People that suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) may have episodes of stopping breathing up to hundreds of times per night for 10 seconds or …

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According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, nearly 22 million Americans age 40 and older have cataracts, a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. Since the first cataract extraction surgery in the mid 1700s, cataract surgery has become the most frequently performed and, with a 98% success rate, …

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High Blood Pressure is Dangerous to the Heart Do You Know Your Numbers?

Chances are that you know someone with high blood pressure; maybe you have the condition as well. If you haven’t checked your blood pressure recently, you should make it priority to do so at your next doctor visit. Long term, uncontrolled or untreated high blood pressure can cause wide range of …

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Treating Heart Valve Disease with Minimal Access Surgery

By Omeni Osian, MD Ocala Health Heart & Lung Surgery Heart surgery is common throughout the world with over 700,000 heart surgeries performed each year. Of those, 250,000 are heart valve repair or replacement surgeries. Traditionally, valve repair and replacement is completed by separating the chest bone and accessing the valve …

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Managing & Treating Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) describes arthritis of the spine resulting in low back pain caused by a combination of inflammation of the damaged discs and a lack of spinal stability. In some patients, the pain may travel from the low back down into the hips and buttocks – a condition called …

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To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate, That is the Question!

The next flu season will soon be among us. With each year passing, viruses mutate, adapt, and become more virulent, causing more illness, and sometimes hospital visits. Protecting against some of these dangerous infections often begins by getting ourselves properly immunized. Immunizations help our own body produce essential antibodies that help …

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InterCommunity Cancer Center Appreciates Oncology Nurses!

A cancer diagnosis is a devastating, life-changing event. Dealing with cancer and the physical, emotional and financial issues that often come with it can be extremely challenging. Luckily, oncology nurses are there to help patients along the way. InterCommunity Cancer Center would like to honor these medical professionals who are the …

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AMT (Acuscope Myopulse Therapy) Offered by EMED to Alleviate Pain and Much More

In the early 70’s a well-known physicist that helped develop the EKG monitoring system made headlines with a new type of electrical micro-current Therapy, which essentially was an electronic acupuncture technique using micro-current technology.  At the time his procedure was able to help many patients on all levels, including Olympic athletes.  …

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Psoriasis – More Than Skin Deep

By Thi T. Tran, DO It’s easy to think of psoriasis as just a “skin condition,” but psoriasis is a long-term complex and chronic autoimmune disease that varies from person to person, both in severity and how it responds to treatment. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, “psoriasis is the most …

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The National Parkinson Foundation’s Moving Day®

Walk, stretch, dance and celebrate. Americans of all ages and fitness levels are invited to join in National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) Moving Day® events to raise awareness and funds to fight Parkinson’s disease. An estimated 1 million people in the United States and up to 10 million worldwide are living with …

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